Samplepad to eDRUMin 10 to EZDrummer

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Samplepad to eDRUMin 10 to EZDrummer

Post by CodaClef »

OK, I am getting a little confused here.
I have the eDRUMin working with EZdrummer.

I plugin my Alesis samplepad via MIDI din and am not able to figure out what to do to get it's pads into the eDRUMin software or EZdrummer.

Is there something special i need to do? I can't find any reference for this.
The setup with just the eDRUMin module was pretty simple.

Should I use USB from the Sample Pad into the EDRUMin module for better results?

I am getting sounds through MIDI din, but cant figure out what the samples are in the kit i set up, (copied a kit and started modifying it.)

I want to assign other samples like octoban, cowbell hits etc to the sample pad

How can i get an illustration of the sample Pad in EZDrummer next to the drum kit to assign sounds?

I get sounds through the Samplepad, but can't seem to find how to route the pads to a set of 8 pads, or add 8 pads to the kit?

Do I have to run it directly in and run 2 instances of ezdrummer?

Thanks for helping a confused person out.
01-01-2025, 22-20-50.png
01-01-2025, 22-20-50.png (496.69 KiB) Viewed 357 times
Copy of Drum Kit v3.jpg
Copy of Drum Kit v3.jpg (81.53 KiB) Viewed 358 times
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Re: Samplepad to eDRUMin 10 to EZDrummer

Post by Rob »

The eDRUMin can't really control your sample Pad. It simply takes the MIDI from the sample Pad and merges it with the eDRUMin MIDI and sends it to your computer.

A couple years ago I was thinking adding a MIDI translation layer so you could set an input MIDI map for each connected device and then eDRUMin could remap the MIDI, but it seemed like there was little interest

At any rate, you'll want to make sure eDRUMin, your sample pad and ezd are speaking the same language (using the mapping system).

I'm not familiar how to change the MIDI mapping on the Sample pad, but I suspect it's easy enough.

And while you probably could use two instances of ezd,.I don't think that's a good idea.
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Re: Samplepad to eDRUMin 10 to EZDrummer

Post by CodaClef »

Ok gotcha.
It seems that the Sample Pad is sending some of the same MIDI notes the ED is using.

I did change the SP to send on channel 12 but am still getting the same duplicate notes.

Is there something else I should change? The ED uses chanel 10 for its notes right?

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Re: Samplepad to eDRUMin 10 to EZDrummer

Post by Rob »

By default, eDRUMin uses channel 10. But simply changing the channel is typically not enough, you probably need to change the notes. You know that you can set the eDRUMin inputs to use 'Custom Notes', right? That will allow you to use whatever notes you want. Likewise for the sample pad, you should be able to change what notes individual pads trigger.
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Re: Samplepad to eDRUMin 10 to EZDrummer

Post by CodaClef »

Got it figured out. I was confusing midi channels for midi notes.

i was under the impression that if I changed the SP to a different channel it would work, but it still conflicted.
I changed each pad to it's own note and it worked.

Add that feature, would be so useful!!!

Thank you!
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