Hello, I have a Roland VAD-306 with a TD-17 module. I have the module hooked up to a laptop, through USB, running superior drummer 3. Is it possible to hook a edrumin to this setup in order to acquire positional sensing on my current snare, toms or cymbals? If so, on which are positional sensing available. I am using:
2x pda-100l-toms
1x pda-120l- floor tom
1x pda-120ls- snare
1x CY-16rt -ride
1x VH-10 -hi hat
Module: TD-17
Hooked to laptop through usb.
Is positional sensing possible on any of these pads using an edrumin and the td-17?
Td-17 positional sensing
Re: Td-17 positional sensing
I have a pda-120ls, and positional sensing is supported using the Mesh 3-Sensor pad type, but at this point I would describe it as experimental. Positional sensing should be fully supported on your CY-16rt.