Jobeky 20” Ride (Roland) Zone Separation

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Re: Jobeky 20” Ride (Roland) Zone Separation

Post by OftheSeven »

Mylo wrote: As for Jobeky cymbals, I’m a big fan. I currently have a hi-hat and two crashes. I have a second hi-hat coming to replace my Field hi-hat, another crash and a ride ordered. Between Field and Jobeky give me Jobeky all day. I will keep the Field China I have because I prefer the look over the LV look. I will keep the Field splash because it is 2 zone. But all others will be Jobeky.
Thanks for the info. Which series do you use/prefer (brass, bronze, vintage, reel feel...)?
They seem like a better value over the Roland cymbals and I assume work well with eDrumin and VSTs?

I waiting for my unit to come in and have a VH10 setup ready - just need to get cymbals now.
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Re: Jobeky 20” Ride (Roland) Zone Separation

Post by Mylo »

OftheSeven wrote:Which series do you use/prefer (brass, bronze, vintage, reel feel...)?
They seem like a better value over the Roland cymbals and I assume work well with eDrumin and VSTs.
I have three types, all metal. My hi-hat is the old style dark vintage with the polished rings around the bell and the edge. My crashes are the Dark Bronze. I recently ordered the new style Dark Vintage in a crash, ride and hi-hat.

The crashes and the hi-hats with the VH-11 controllers work great with the eDRUMin and SD3. We’ve already talked about my rides but I’m going to try the Jobeky ride again. I think I’ll get it right this time. I’m taking the blame for the ride issues... just ignorant about the way things work. :D

They are all well built and have really held up. I recently worked on Evanescence’s My Immortal - The Band Version. It is only about 13-14 bars of drumming but it seems there are cymbal hits every 1/4 note. And it’s crashes, China, ride and a couple of splashes for good measure. It is quite the cymbal workout.
Posts: 43
Joined: Tue Mar 31, 2020 2:20 am

Re: Jobeky 20” Ride (Roland) Zone Separation

Post by OftheSeven »

Awesome, thanks for the info! I think i'll put in an order for a 20" 3-zone ride. Hopefully, it doesn't take too long to ship.

I've been looking for used CY-15R and CY-13, but they're so pricey for what you get.
I don't need it super quiet, just good triggering and a decent size (not tiny).
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