eDRUMin 1.6.2 BETA

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eDRUMin 1.6.2 BETA

Post by Rob »

eDRUMin version 1.6.2 BETA is now available for testing. You can downgrade to version 1.6 or 1.6.1 without loosing any settings.


  • Reduced the amount of data exchanged between the device and Control Application.
Bug Fixes since Version 1.6.1
  • Fixed an issue where an extra NoteOn message could be sent resulting in long overlapping notes.
  • Fixed an issue where devices plugged into USB Host port would be in autosave after being power cycled or having their firmware updated.
  • Positional sensing for cymbals was sending multiple control change messages.
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Re: eDRUMin 1.6.2 BETA

Post by hang12 »

I installed and ran 1.6.2 (plus both unit's firmware upgrades) throughout the (~8 hr) day playing about 3 different 45+ minute playing sessions.
I left the app up and running in between sessions.
Everything seemed fine (yay), but about 30 minutes into the 3rd session the app stopped tracking the 2nd eDRUMin10's pieces (i.e. they were still triggering but just not showing up as playing in the GUI).
I did edit some curves today - just minor stuff. Wasn't in the pedal section at all.
I power cycled the two eDRUMin's and the app was once again tracking all of the kit.
Not a show stopper but it does occur frequently enough. Power cycling gets things back to normal.
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Re: eDRUMin 1.6.2 BETA

Post by Rob »

I assume you had this issue with version 1.6.1 as well? And the 2nd eDRUMin was plugged into the host port?
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Re: eDRUMin 1.6.2 BETA

Post by hang12 »

yes it's happened a number of times, reported in other threads during this beta 1.6.0, 1.6.1 run.

The (sub, 2nd) eDRUMin10 is plugged into (main) eDRUMin10 that's plugged into the Mac mini. The 'sub' is the one that this happens to, always.
Do you want me to switch things around for the heck of it? They are just stacked on one another - easy enough with the USB cabling.

btw for clarification sake (maybe?) - any of those GUI ghosty peak hits in any of the sub's triggering are still registering in the THRESH box of any of the last current Main trigger's focus, but it's just not AUTO switching over to the sub's GUI 10 (and/or any of those triggers).
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Re: eDRUMin 1.6.2 BETA

Post by Rob »

Don't switch things up. Thank you for the extra info. That narrows down the possible causes a lot.
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Re: eDRUMin 1.6.2 BETA

Post by hang12 »

one other thing I just thought of (with this graphic updating issue mentioned above) and I can't remember exactly (sorry) but...I think I tried clicking on the smaller 'sub' eDRUMin10 device graphic and the eDRUMin app would not update to show the related 10 input + 2 foot switch icon group. Things were still triggering, just not on screen from that device. Normally, clicking on the device would update to show the input group.
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Re: eDRUMin 1.6.2 BETA

Post by Dadwrshpdrum »

Very minor display bug. When I open the app the screen defaults to whatever pad and the articulation screen (advanced selected). When I select notes to see the selected note bank, the drum map appears (which is correct) but the articulations (hit, SS, RS) remains. Confused me at first but once you select the velocity advanced screen then re-select the note screen the note banks show up. So very minor.
TD-17KVX, PD-125BK snare, PDX-100 Tom, PDX-12 Toms, PDX-8 Toms, CY-5 splash, CY-15R ride, CY-13R China. eDRUMin 10 with TD-17 slave module. MacBook Pro (16gb RAM and 1TB SSD). SSD5.5 and EZD2. Abelton Live.
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Re: eDRUMin 1.6.2 BETA

Post by Rob »

Dadwrshpdrum wrote:
Sat Nov 13, 2021 3:39 am
Very minor display bug. When I open the app the screen defaults to whatever pad and the articulation screen (advanced selected). When I select notes to see the selected note bank, the drum map appears (which is correct) but the articulations (hit, SS, RS) remains. Confused me at first but once you select the velocity advanced screen then re-select the note screen the note banks show up. So very minor.
Thank-you. Fixed for the next build.
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Re: eDRUMin 1.6.2 BETA

Post by hb1980 »

On the latest public release and this beta I'm sometimes getting what should be relatively low velocity ghost notes triggering as relatively high velocity rim shots on my snare.

If I downgrade to 1.6.0(?) the issue goes away completely.

I've spent quite a long time trying to tweak settings to get it to go away. Just when I think it has, BAM!, it does it again :-(

Factory reset, pad resets, reboots, power cycles etc. don't resolve it.

Is there any data I could provide to help identify what's happening?

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Re: eDRUMin 1.6.2 BETA

Post by Rob »

Can you post a screenshot of your settings?
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