unfortunately not as happy as I was hoping

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unfortunately not as happy as I was hoping

Post by legobeats »

After some time testing, calibrating, editing and playing the eDRUMin 10 I'm unfortunately at the point of going back to my Roland TD-17. I did a lot of tweaking, looking videos, going through the manual and I have some experiences with eDrums (anyone remembering the Yamaha PTX8 or the Roland TD-7? ;) ) Here is where I couldn't get results similar to the TD-17:

- The overall dynamic behaviour is a little bit "unstable". Even with tweaking the dynamic curves individually for every trigger zone the TD-17 with it's built in presets gives a more linear transition from how hard I hit to what MIDI velocitiy is generated. Especially whem playing the rims.
- The HiHat open/close transition with superior drummer has some flaws here and there. Sometimes I get open sounds even if the pedal is pressed, sometimes detection of the splash sound is not 100% accurate.
- Whet hitting rim and head of a tom at the same time the hit on the head is not always detected. Or at least it's velocity is much lower than it should be. If you want to reproduce it, try to play Late in the Evening...
- Bell sensing on two-zone-cymbals is a nice feature and was one of the things why I purchased the eDRUMin. Unfortunately it's accuracy is not good enough. There is a zone between edge and bell where the triggered note is quiety erratic, I couldn't get a sensitivy setting that gave me consistent triggering results. Tested with (all Roland) VH-10, CY-12, CY-13, CY-14-T, CY-16-T
- Whatever I tried and tweaked with the X-Stick and Rimshot scalings at the snare I never got a result that made it a real no brainer. I built myself a workaround with the input transformer in Cubase that gives me a more predictable way of playing the snare pad, so I'll stay with that.

Don't get me wrong, Rob is doing a great job and I'm sure it's a lot of work to develop something like the eDRUMin! And most users are and will be pretty happy with it. But for me it's simply not as good as my TD-17 so I think I'll go back to it.

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Re: unfortunately not as happy as I was hoping

Post by mmarco »

legobeats wrote:The HiHat open/close transition with superior drummer has some flaws here and there. Sometimes I get open sounds even if the pedal is pressed
I have had this happen also with my VH-11, but mostly only if I have the "advanced" HH options ticked (I think primarily the cc only when hit one but not sure). It's like superior loses track of where the HH is for some reason and as you experienced even when the pedal is closed it still plays half open, the only way to get out of it is to basically do a foot closed chick, then it starts tracking again. This is with SD 2.0 btw. If I keep all the advanced options unticked it seems better, but due to real life issues I haven't played the past 2 weeks (basically received the edrumin, updated firmware, did some basic calibrarion / remapping and then no playing) or so so haven't dug into this enough to be sure it's fixed or not.

Not sure if it is an SD issue or an eDrumin issue, when triggering with my TD10ex I have never had issues with SD using the wrong HH sounds, so it must be related to the edrumin somehow. The edrumin does trigger the VH11 much better than the TD10ex for sure, so I sure hope I can get things working well without SD being lost as going back to the TD10 would not be great.
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Re: unfortunately not as happy as I was hoping

Post by digiface »

@mmarco re 'mostly' .. Does it work all the time without advanced ticked?

Can it be confirmed by anyone whether using any of VH-10/11/12 or 13 with the ED10v2 and SD3 does NOT have this losing track issue?

I posted somewhere else about this, not sure where the right place is.
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Re: unfortunately not as happy as I was hoping

Post by Rob »

I don't believe there is a losing track issue. I use a VH-10 and VH-13 without issue. I suspect his problems come down to poor choice of settings, in particular with proper velocity curves. In version 1.5 there will be factory presets for the various hihat controllers I own and that will for the most part prevent issues related to poor choice of settings.
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Re: unfortunately not as happy as I was hoping

Post by digiface »

Thanks for the reply Rob. Please could you confirm you meant using SD3? Do you then prefer the vh-13? I have read a few posts now where people have issues with these hihats and SD3 and seem to say an FD pedal works better but if you are sure reliable triggering can be set and the best sensing and playability comes from the vh-13 over the vh-10 then I'll get a vh-13 .
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Re: unfortunately not as happy as I was hoping

Post by Rob »

The VH-10 is a big step up from a plain pedal. Having two cymbals that make physical contact like the VH-13 gives you even more tactile feedback and offers a more realistic experience, IMHO.
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Re: unfortunately not as happy as I was hoping

Post by digiface »

Ok cool. I will take it you have meant you dont get any issues with SD3. Thanks
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Re: unfortunately not as happy as I was hoping

Post by Rob »

Yes, no issues.
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Re: unfortunately not as happy as I was hoping

Post by perceval »

Trouble with a big VST like SD3 is that there are so many settings involved that it's easy to overlook something.
It is NOT plug and play.

I had an issue where slowly opening the HH, in the middle, I'd get a closed sounds, then would continue to open.
It was, of course, MIDI related ... a single note was sent at about mid opening.
Deleting that note resulted in a smooth HH ... well, as smooth as a VST can be, compared to the real thing.
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Re: unfortunately not as happy as I was hoping

Post by mmarco »

I moved so I had to unfortunately put my vdrums in storage for a while, I unpacked them and set them back up and I think my issue with SD2 and the HH was due to the VH-11 internal potentiometer getting old / having issues and sending spurious values: when recalibrating the vh-11 I started noticing that with it closed I could get it to do 0/127 spikes by simply moving the HH rod back and forth (!). I disassembled it completely and reassembled it and it seems fine now, so fingers crossed and apologies for the "wrong HH sound" report which in my case could very well have been hardware related.
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