It's been going great for days on end but I just got a crash while adjusting hotspot suppression parameters (although I don't know that it was related.)
Build 32. Report attached.
I found a significant bug today that affects the ED10. Data coming from the MIDI In DIN will occasionally not get forwarded properly leading to drops notes or notes with no note off messages. This seems to have been an issue since version 1.3. It's fixed for the next release.
I'm recording parts by going out the eDRUMin 10 via DIN MIDI over a 15' MIDI cable marked "Horizon Balanced" to the MIDI in port on my IK Multimedia Axe I/O Solo which is connected to the desktop I use for recording/mixing. While drumming the parts I'm monitoring Superior Drummer on the recording desktop (48k/64 buffers) via the Axe I/O's headphone output. I'm using Reaper's tablet interface at the drumkit to control the transport and arm the tracks. It's working great - no glitches going over the MIDI port out. Let's me record without disconnecting anything on my edrum setup
bug in build 36 - auto detect isn't updating the screen to the triggers on the 2nd eDRUMin.
if a trigger from the 2nd eDRUMin is hit, It will toggle on the little red underscore on the 2nd eDRUMin icon, but the whole screen (set of parameters) doesn't jump and update to any of the triggers on the 2nd eDRUMin.
If you literally click on the 2nd eDRUMin icon, then the auto-detect will update and trigger whole screen views on that eDRUMin, but once you hit a trigger on the first eDRUMin again, it will not update back to viewing any of the 2nd eDRUMin's triggers again (unless you click on the 2nd eDRUMin icon, as mentioned earlier).
Also, unrelated, when highlighting and entering trigger notes (as numbers) and hitting [return] the number doesn't always update. One must (screen) arrow it left or right for it to update it to then to send out the desired updated number (corresponding midi note).
For example if a note trigger is value 38 and I highlight it and enter '66' to update it and then hit the return, I might still be sending out a midi note 38. But if I then use the nearby left or right (screen) arrows (to decrement or increment) and bring it back to 66 (like waking it up) it will then be 66.
...Ok here's some updated steps to reproduce - I was re-mapping a cymbal for bow and edge and the default was 26 and something else (27? - doesn't matter), when I clicked on the 4th of 4 bank choices of alternate note numbers. I typed 89 into the bow and hit return, then typed 90 into the edge and hit return. When I played the 89 it turned back into a 26. I had to click and drag the number incrementally up to get it to stay sending out a midi note 89.
hang12 wrote:bug in build 36 - auto detect isn't updating the screen to the triggers on the 2nd eDRUMin.
I’ve reported this several weeks ago as well, and while it has supposedly been fixed, I’m still noticing this behavior every once in a while. I can’t reliably reproduce it, but it seems related to toggling the Auto Detect switch, as if it gets stuck or something. Quitting and restarting the control app typically fixes it though.
Miscellaneous Roland triggers. ED-10 + ED-4. MacBook Pro (2015), 16G RAM, Big Sur. Superior Drummer 3. Logic Pro.
I'll spend some more time time trying to find those bugs today, but as you say, they are a bit obscure and the simply steps given to reproduce don't reveal an issue.
I re-booted the Mac and the app and the auto-detect was still busted for eDRUMin-10 #2. It wasn't obscure for me.
I wasn't aware that the auto-detect situ was previously reported.
The other issue I raised with MIDI note input has work-arounds - just trying to capture glitches as they occur, and report them.
If I can reproduce it, good. If I can't - you can't fix it. A lot of us are familiar with this gig.
is it preferable to report bugs/problems directly, instead of on the forum?
Otherwise - things have been going quite smoothly with this 1.4 release.
I've started to really dig into into SD3 (after working with TD10/TD20 modules only) and
there's whole new worlds of 'which way to proceed?' as far as mapping and channelizing.
It'd be great to see an expansion of the MIDI note banks, in future versions.
I set up my entire kit today from scratch today and I found and fixed a couple of bugs:
1. When in advanced mode, and a rim, rimshot, edge, or bell articulation is trigger, assuming the articulation doesn't have an independent curve, the curve for the main hit articulation isn't being applied.
2. When auditioning notes using the UI note controls, the MIDI channel does not follow what is set in the note bank and the auditioned note isn't sent to devices attached to the USB host port.