Hotspot not detected

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Hotspot not detected

Post by thenewdrummer »

I just changed my snare to use a center mounted trigger.

When I activate the hotspot suppression button nothing is detected. The threshold never change color even when it's set to 0. I changed the scan from 2.3 to 3 but still nothing.

The problem seems to occur with the PS too, the red line doesn't move.

What did I do to mess it up ?

I have quartz cone trigger on a crossbar. It didn't work with the previous version nor the latest.

By the way I added a second piezo for rim and it worked out of the box. I had never been able to make it works on my previous module. So I'm super happy :mrgreen:
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Re: Hotspot not detected

Post by Rob »

You're using version 1.3.1?
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Re: Hotspot not detected

Post by thenewdrummer »

Rob wrote:You're using version 1.3.1?
Yes. I was using another and updated and it was still there.
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Re: Hotspot not detected

Post by Rob »

In order for positional sensing and hotspot suppression to work, things like head tension, cone height, and even the type of mesh head make a big difference. If the tension is too loose or too tight, you are going to have issues. If the cone is too high, you are also going to have issues. This can be problematic for DIY builds. I suggest you do a little experimentation.

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Re: Hotspot not detected

Post by thenewdrummer »

Rob wrote:In order for positional sensing and hotspot suppression to work, things like head tension, cone height, and even the type of mesh head make a big difference. If the tension is too loose or too tight, you are going to have issues. If the cone is too high, you are also going to have issues. This can be problematic for DIY builds. I suggest you do a little experimentation.

I'll try changing things a little bit. But no detection at all is normal?
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Re: Hotspot not detected

Post by Rob »

No, it's not normal. That's why I'm suggesting you probably have issues with your build.
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Re: Hotspot not detected

Post by thenewdrummer »

Rob wrote:No, it's not normal. That's why I'm suggesting you probably have issues with your build.
OK so I've messed a lot for the past hour.

I've tighten the head, I've placed the cone further, closer almost at a lot of all distances possible.

Was not able to obtain good results.

I found out that the indicator for the threshold moves only if I hit really really really gently. If it's normal hit it's just not appearing.

Could the 35mm piezos be too hot for the Ed10?

My heads are sparedrum mute, a lot of reviews says they are almost identical to the Drumtec Real Feel.
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Re: Hotspot not detected

Post by Sly »

Did you tried to flip the polarity of the piezo ? that's often the problem on Roland module.
I'm not sure if eDRUMin can read the position regardless of the polarity of the first wave or not...
Rob ?
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Re: Hotspot not detected

Post by Rob »

Polarity shouldn't matter, but I haven't tested that in a while. A signal that is too hot will definitely cause issues. Can you try lowering your trigger if the signal is clipping?
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Re: Hotspot not detected

Post by thenewdrummer »

Rob wrote:Polarity shouldn't matter, but I haven't tested that in a while. A signal that is too hot will definitely cause issues. Can you try lowering your trigger if the signal is clipping?
I think inverting the polarity helped a little bit but not that much. It only detect it on really soft hits.

I've tried for hours different positions and tensions. Lowering too much the cone make it worse as loosening the head tension. So a higher tension and not too far or too close of the head gives better results but not enough to work.

What I observed when I hit normally and soft in the middle of the head the sound goes to 127 almost always. Even sometimes the detection work with a value of 100 and it still 127.

I'm thinking more that it's too hot. I thought it would work since I've read here that other people are using the Quartz Triggers.

I'm thinking of trying the design of Perceval on vdrums in the eDRUMin thread. He tried softer cone to reduce hotspot. Maybe it would help. Also maybe a pot but I don't have one and it would break the easy quick connect of the trigger.
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