hall sensor for hihat input wiring diagram.

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Re: hall sensor for hihat input wiring diagram.

Post by mprinz »

I switched signal to ring and tip to power... Nothing.
with 5V power on the + pin of the sensor it's working, but I have always a cc04 of 30 left. I have to reset the input I guess. Don't know.
Rob, how would you connect the SS49 sensor to your device?

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Re: hall sensor for hihat input wiring diagram.

Post by mprinz »

dsteinschneider wrote:Late here too. I just caught up on this thread. My ED10 is plugged into a powered USB hub. The Hall effect DIY pedal I made is only getting voltage from the ED10 pedal input. I'm happy with it, plays just like a real hi-hat but I'm building another smaller kit for jams and will experiment with the voltage when I build that one.
Hi dsteinschneider,

please, would you comment on how you wired the hall sensor to the pedal input?

I saw your pics on flickr. Very nice work!
I also would like to test those Pintech cymbal. In Germany not easy to get. Look good and low costs. Very simple, to just stick a switch an that. I love those DIY things. The journey becomes the goal...

But for me, the next goal is to get this Hall sensor working...
Thank you!
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Re: hall sensor for hihat input wiring diagram.

Post by dsteinschneider »

Wiring was:

With the narrower side facing up (sensor is beveled)
1. Left Leg - 5V power supply - Ring
2. Middle leg - (ground) - Sleeve
3. RIght leg - Signal Output - Tip

hall_effect_wiring_diagram.jpg (28.47 KiB) Viewed 1288 times
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Re: hall sensor for hihat input wiring diagram.

Post by mprinz »


Ok. Thanks. Now, I use external 5V like this:
Ext Vs to pin 1,
Ext ground to pin 2 and sleeve
Signal from pin3 to tip
Blank Ring

Its working quite nicely.

On the edrumin4 I mesured just 3.3V between Ring and sleeve.
Thats not enough for the SS49
You got 5 V there? .
That's the question for me.
Why is your sensor working only connected to the edrumin???
Other specs I think.
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Re: hall sensor for hihat input wiring diagram.

Post by Rob »

I tested a SS495A and SS49E. The SS495A didn't work at all with the supplied 3.3V from the pedal input. The SS49E worked nicely with the 3.3V from the pedal input and covered about 15% of the calibration range--would have preferred a little more range, but it would be good enough I suppose.
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Re: hall sensor for hihat input wiring diagram.

Post by mprinz »

Pheww... Ok.I thought I was too stupid ... :roll:
So, I will leave it as it is. Should I?
What is the max. input voltage?
But 5V should be ok?

And why is the A1302 working on the eDrumIn10? It has a min input voltage of 4.5 V, too.

That's what I am wondering about.
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Re: hall sensor for hihat input wiring diagram.

Post by Rob »

The pedal input shouldn't see more than 3.3V or less than 0V. Any more than that and you risk damaging the input pins. There are protection diodes to divert excess voltage to ground, but I wouldn't push them too far. You can tell if you are in an overvoltage situation when you calibrate. If the green calibration range extends all the way to either of the sides, the device is likely in an undervoltage or overvoltage condition.
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Re: hall sensor for hihat input wiring diagram.

Post by Rob »

I've updated the User Manual to include a wiring diagram for Hall Effect sensors, including a warning about the acceptable voltage range. I also included a recommendation for part SS94E, as it can be powered directly from the pedal input.
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Re: hall sensor for hihat input wiring diagram.

Post by mprinz »

Hi, thank you.
So, the setup with the SS495A and ext voltage is not recommended and I have to find a Hall sensor working at 3.3V. :?

That was my first thought, to writing a warning. But yesterday I fell asleep. Everyone denotes the ring with 5V...

One more back to the edrumin10: Its the same input circuit, I think?
Or did you rise the voltage? No, its the same manual for edrumin4 and eDrumIn10...

Anyway, thank you for your efforts!
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Re: hall sensor for hihat input wiring diagram.

Post by mprinz »

The SS495A is really not the right part. Due to the high and also negativ output voltage.
The SS49E has an output of typ. 0.95 to (Vs - 0.95) in our case of the eDrumIn
0.95 to 2.35 V. Shouldn't that be more than 15% percent range.
15% of 3.3 you mean? That is 0.5 V range.
Hm, did you try a stonger magnet? Oh, no, it starts with 0.95 V at -1000 Gaus ...
Then you have 1.175 left, since we can't switch the orientation of the magnet.

We need an "Unipolar Ratiometric Linear Hall Effect Sensor" e.g.:
Texas instrument DRV5056 http://www.ti.com/general/docs/suppprod ... %2Fdrv5056

They write "The device can be used for accurate
position sensing in a wide range of applications." :D ;)
Here you are ...
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