I’m one of those types that will read a manual if it exists. I appreciate that eDRUMin has a manual. It is well written and has a lot good information in it. I fact I’ve read two or three times already.
Can you give the manual a version number so we know if there are changes?
Manual Version
Re: Manual Version
Hi,Mylo wrote:I’m one of those types that will read a manual if it exists. I appreciate that eDRUMin has a manual. It is well written and has a lot good information in it. I fact I’ve read two or three times already.
Can you give the manual a version number so we know if there are changes?
That's a good idea. And what you said about the manual: +1.
Best regards,
Re: Manual Version
Just FYI,
Page 17 is blank in version This is also throwing the table of contents off.
Just FYI,
Page 17 is blank in version This is also throwing the table of contents off.
Re: Manual Version
Version number confusion...
First, thanks for the update in 1.0.4 Everything is looking good.
Just thought I’d let you know...
The download page says but after downloading, the controller application says the firmware is Also on the download page the manual link is still pointing to the old version. I was able to download the new version of the manual through the controller application.
First, thanks for the update in 1.0.4 Everything is looking good.
Just thought I’d let you know...
The download page says but after downloading, the controller application says the firmware is Also on the download page the manual link is still pointing to the old version. I was able to download the new version of the manual through the controller application.
Re: Manual Version
I'll update the manual on the website. There's a good chance that the firmware version is correct. I'll double check.