Setting up DSP Trigger in Cubase

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Re: Setting up DSP Trigger in Cubase

Post by Rob »

Not sure what the problem could be. It's not a VSTi, it's an audio effect. You're trying to insert it on an audio track, right?
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Re: Setting up DSP Trigger in Cubase

Post by rockdude »

Try to let Nuendo search/view all vsti and vst effects and see if you can locate it. And just to make sure the folder you have the dsp trigger.dll in is working.....Try placing another vst effect in the same folder that the dsp trigger.dll is and see if Nuendo finds it.
Computer specs: Mac Mini, MacBook Pro
DAW: Tracktion Waveform Pro, Garageband
Audio interface: Motu 828mk3 Hybrid, UR22mkII
Drum module: Dual eDRUMin + DSP Trigger
Drum kit: DIY A2E converted kit + 1 Yamaha RHH-135 Hi-Hat and 3 Yamaha PCY-155
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Re: Setting up DSP Trigger in Cubase

Post by chadmataz »

Sorry for the delay. Found the issue. While I'm on Vista 64bit, Nuendo is only running 32 so I swapped in the 32 bit version of DSP and valah!

One issue came up I cant get around. DSP dosent 'seem' to be outputting midi. I can take the midi track input, change it to another midi source, my keyboard, and it triggers HALion fine. Switch the input back to DSP and while HALion appears to see activity (input light blinks in alignment to pad hits) there is no sound. I made sure to use a patch with no dead notes and changed to other midi notes using the presets in DSP.

Thanks again for the assistance. I really look forward to giving this a good road test.
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Re: Setting up DSP Trigger in Cubase

Post by Rob »

Perhaps it's a MIDI Channel issue, but I doubt it as DSP Trigger outputs on channel 1.

Perhaps it doesn't like something about the way I'm formatting my MIDI messages--I'll have to do a bit of research.

Can you try another sampler and see if you get similar results? And how about recording the MIDI so that you can visually see the MIDI that DSP Trigger is producing.

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Re: Setting up DSP Trigger in Cubase

Post by chadmataz »

Might be my ignorance but once I hit play or record, the VSTi was heard. Stop the timeline and silence. I must need to modify the routing. Appears DSP is working perfect. I have some trigger input tweaking but this is really good software. Deserves an award! I'll be buying it today. Thanks for the excellent support!

For others I'm confirming this works great on:
64 bit Windows Vista
Nuendo 4
Presonus Firetube
Cone trigger custom mounted inside a Pearl Rythm Traveler drum with Pearl mesh head.

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Re: Setting up DSP Trigger in Cubase

Post by Rob »

Sounds like a monitoring issue to me. In oder for the MIDI to reach your VSTi, you need to have the monitor buttons for both the MIDI track and Audio track on. Depending on the monitoring settings in Cubase preferences, activating the transport will turn on or off the monitor buttons for tracks that are 'record' enabled.

I hope that helps. Thanks for your kind words and support!
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