Millenium MPS-850 / Alesis compatible?

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Re: Millenium MPS-850 / Alesis compatible?

Post by mprinz »


I am using the FAME/Millenium drum module. I don't have eDruMin.

(BTW: The Millenium does a great job, but I actually just use it to trigger the VST.
The build in sounds are ... usable/workable... but you know. EZDrummer is great!
Therefore the latency is quite low. You cannot recognize any using the USB Midi.
The settings are quite rudimentary, I cannot adjust scan, response and decay time or other strange parameters, but
the basic adjustments can be done, XTalk, RetriggerCancel, Threshold, Sensitivity, and the basic velocity curves.)

The trigger options of the eDrumin seem to be amazing. But the inputs wont be enough for the Millenium parts.
Therefore I wanted to use it only to trigger the hihat pedal cc04 to EZDrummer software and could use the
additional inputs for additional pads in the future.
Of course, I would try to use a pad an the eDruMin just to check if its "sounds" better, whatever.

The HiHat Controller CC04 of that Millenium delivers only 5/6 steps from 0 to 127.
I don't know if the Roland Models sends more values.

I think that could be an issue, but the worst thing was that stupid pedal note without pressing down all the way down.
This I fixed using the Bidule Software. I generate a pedal note at cc04 = 127. I also grabbed the velocity from the early sent C0 note and put I
into generated 44 pedal note. Tadaaaaa. Now, it feels and sounds a lot more authentic.

So the eDruMin idea is canceled for now.

Next idea: To build an hihat controller with a optical sensor and go into the millennium modul. Just testing if its possible.

Best regards

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Re: Millenium MPS-850 / Alesis compatible?

Post by Rob »

FYI, all modules that I'm aware of will send the pedal chick sound before the pedal reaches 127.
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Re: Millenium MPS-850 / Alesis compatible?

Post by mprinz »

Hi Rob,

and that is, because of what?

I mean, it is disturbing the transition when you wanna close the hats very slowly.
Another question comming to my mind:

Are there modules tracking the closing speed, to decide between chick and no chick at the fully closed position?

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Re: Millenium MPS-850 / Alesis compatible?

Post by Rob »

Well, if you close them slowly, it shouldn't make a least it won't on an eDRUMin. Getting good velocity translation from a pedal is not trivial. It took me several tries over a couple of years to get a good implementation. And I can assure you that getting a better velocity translation from CC4 alone in a VST is almost certainly going to be worse.
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Re: Millenium MPS-850 / Alesis compatible?

Post by mprinz »

Hi Rob,

ok, but with the Millenium/Alesis/FAME module I get a sound.

Ok, anyway, I woud like to trigger the following:

1 HiHat, 2 zones
2 Crashes, 1 zone (2 zones hardware, but with EZDrummer I mapped the same voice to the zones)
1 Ride, 3 zones
2 "One shot" pads (now they are connected with the rim-trigger input of 3rd and 4th tom)
1 Kick
1 Snare, 2 zones
Toms 1+2, 2 zones
Toms 3+4, 2 zones, but only the head trigger connected and

So I need 21 mono inputs + hihat controller, using both crash zones and the tom-rims.
It is possible to "bridge" crash cymbal zones and tom 3/4 zones, so that one zone is not muted but giving the same cymbal or
head sound, I will be happy with 4 inputs less, right?

Anyway unfortunately your eDRUMin module has way less inputs. And I mean, really, unfortunately.

What about low latency. I really think, that I have a subtle hearable latency when using the EZDrummer2 via USB Midi and a M-Audio Fast Track Ultra audio interface.

I am wondering if I should get the ddrum trigger module. Just for testing, first. Are there any other trigger interfaces on the market, that may fit using only VST samples?


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Re: Millenium MPS-850 / Alesis compatible?

Post by Rob »

USB MIDI is fast. Latency will be related to the settings of your Fast Track Ultra. To get low latency, you need to use low audio buffer settings (something in the range of 32 - 128 samples). 64 samples should be pretty good. Anything more than 128, and you'll start to really notice the latency.
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Re: Expression Pedal on DrumModule

Post by mprinz »

Hi Rob,

I have a question and I am wondering not to find more about that in the internet.
Maybe you was asked that a thouand times then this is 1001, but I need to know it from the
Master of Pedal-Impedance-to-MIDI-conversion ...

I am messing around with an FSR / photoresistor to get a smooth voltage dependence to pedal pressure.
The Millenium HiHat-controller generates jumps when push ore releasing the pedal.
Thats what I thought.
Using an FSR and feeding the MPS-850 module with the analog voltage of a simple voltage divider,
I found out that there a still jumps generated. So it's the data processing in the module leading to those
coarse cc04 curves, isn't it? The Input itself may be a differentiator, so the module can detect the "pedal change rate"?

Anyway, the FSR delivers - from the breadboard - nice cc04 values :-) when the circuit is connected to the drum module.

I will order today the eDRUMin and want to ask if its possible to connect an expression pedal to the hihat controller input directly? I mean, when you talk about your MIDI Expression devices, hihat controller and expression pedal are often mentioned in the same sentence. Somehow your devices easily switch between those pedals. :-) As I unterstood, my MPS-850 HH controller delivers a voltage and an expression pedal is just a nicely wrapped potentiometer. So I may use this nice pedal to replace the resistor from my voltage divider circuit and I am ready to go. Maybe the whole pedal+spring somewhere or to use only the inner parts and put them below my hihat stand pedal.

I would like to have a better control to the HH and wont spent 200$ for a pedal. :-)

Thanks for a short comment!

Best regards!

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Re: Millenium MPS-850 / Alesis compatible?

Post by Rob »

I'm not really familiar with the MPS-850, so I can't comment on how it processes signals. The pedal input on the MIDI Expression does support expression pedals, so you shouldn't have any issues. I see you already made your order and I thank you for your support.

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Re: Millenium MPS-850 / Alesis compatible?

Post by mprinz »

Yeah, I made it.
Even without CE certification ... :-) When my home is burned down I will contact you!

Since you comment in another thread, that the HH Input on the eDRUMin is a
MIDI Expression input just without all the software features from the config GUI,
I may use an Expression pedal as hihat Controller, or the electronics, right?

Ahhh great!
I am wondering that there aren't some more TriggerModules an the market.
I know the DDrum DDTI and 1-2 Roland devices.

So, thank you!
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Re: Millenium MPS-850 / Alesis compatible?

Post by mprinz »

Hi Rob,

your device arrived only a few days after your posting. Without any issues.
I was really suprised! And it's fine, thanks a lot!

I had to rewire the pedal input cable from the Millenium/XDrum/Fame controller like
your wiring for the reversed polarity expression pedal.
It delivers a voltage by itself, so the tip from the controller jack/plug goes to the ring
an the eDrumIn site. Ground stays ground and I dont need power from the eDrumIn.
The controller together with the eDrumIn generates smooth an even more responsive and actually more
exact CC04 data the Millenium MPS-850 module. Meaning, that when the hihat opens the cc04 data changes in time.
From the MPS the cc04 data changes way later. Same for the endposition. Together with an old rubber gasket underneath
the hihat cymbal pad I get the thight hihat samples only when I am pressing the pedal quite hard. That feels really good!

I though the MPS controller is the problem, but its the MPS module.
I think of getting a second eDrumIn to connect the tom pads with your beatiful piece of electronics.

But one thing: When triggering the 10" snarepad (DrumTec basic meshhead),
I got such strange jitter, cracks noise from the Module and EZDrummer.
What could be wrong?


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