Larger units with more inputs?

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Larger units with more inputs?

Post by Mylo »

I hate being that guy asking for lower prices before I even tried the product but before I make a purchasing decision I have a couple of questions about the product’s roadmap.

Are there any plans for larger units with more inputs and possibly at a lower price point? The eDRUMin looks phenomenal and the early reviews look great. But my set would need four right out the gate to give me what my MegaDrum gives me now and I’m stumbling over the $600 price tag. Maybe an 8 input unit at $200-$250? Or maybe quantity pricing for us guys with large sets that don’t want to compromise their dual zone pads or cymbals.
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Re: Larger units with more inputs?

Post by dsteinschneider »

I'm using my eDRUMin along with my existing MegaDrum. It's a good combination. The eDRUMin gives you the advanced features you need for multi-zone cymbals, hi-hat and snare. Keep the MegaDrum for the kick, toms, percussion and crashes.

If your computer is short on USB inputs like my Lenovo laptop use a powered USB hub. I use a D-Link USB 2.0 hub that works great.
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Re: Larger units with more inputs?

Post by Mylo »

That is definitely an option. I’d only need one then... for now. :D Snare, hi-hat and my two jack Jobeky ride would fit nicely. What is drawing me to eDRUMin is the software.
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Re: Larger units with more inputs?

Post by Pim »

Mylo wrote: But my set would need four right out the gate [...] us guys with large sets that don’t want to compromise their dual zone pads or cymbals.
I have received the eDrumin just recently and so far I can only say positive things about it. My triggering never felt so natural, so I can definitely recommend it, the software seems amazing.

I am curious about your setup. May I ask what you use? When I understood you correctly, you use 15 dual-zone pads/cymbals?

Best regards,
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Re: Larger units with more inputs?

Post by Mylo »

I have a seven piece kit, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 22 bass and snare with a dual zone China, 2 dual zone crashes, 1 zone splash, 3 zone ride and a hi-hat. I call myself a hobby drummer and I tinker a lot with my equipment and I don’t gig. And yes I could do all the dual mono setup and use only two eDRUMins but why limit all my dual zone pads? :D

1: Hi-Hat
2: Splash
3: Ride bow/edge
4: Ride bow/bell

1: China
2: 16” crash
3: 18” crash
4: Snare

1: 8” Tom
2: 10” Tom
3: 12” Tom
4: 14” Tom

1: 16” Tom
2: Bass
3: Open
4: Open

I suppose the bass and splash could share a jack. And possibly make the China and one of the toms single zone. That could get it down to three.

And don’t get me wrong on this... I really like what I’m seeing here and I want one but if there is an 8 input option on the horizon I’d wait for it.
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Re: Larger units with more inputs?

Post by Pim »

Mylo wrote:I have a seven piece kit, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 22 bass and snare with a dual zone China, 2 dual zone crashes, 1 zone splash, 3 zone ride and a hi-hat. I call myself a hobby drummer and I tinker a lot with my equipment and I don’t gig. And yes I could do all the dual mono setup and use only two eDRUMins but why limit all my dual zone pads? :D

1: Hi-Hat
2: Splash
3: Ride bow/edge
4: Ride bow/bell

1: China
2: 16” crash
3: 18” crash
4: Snare

1: 8” Tom
2: 10” Tom
3: 12” Tom
4: 14” Tom

1: 16” Tom
2: Bass
3: Open
4: Open

I suppose the bass and splash could share a jack. And possibly make the China and one of the toms single zone. That could get it down to three.

And don’t get me wrong on this... I really like what I’m seeing here and I want one but if there is an 8 input option on the horizon I’d wait for it.
Thank you for your reply. That's really a nice setup. I'm sure it's a lot of fun to play.

I guess with that setup you would need one with 8 inputs and still another one with 4 inputs.
You're right about the bass...doesn't really make sense to use one full input if the bass drum is mono anyways. What I did is to split one input and used the dual mono mode...I use a crash pad besides the bass drum with one input. The funny thing is that I thought I'd lose a zone for my cymbal but with the software's Edge Sense function I still have bow and edge.

So maybe you could also split all toms, for example...and still have two sounds per tom pad. I guess you would have to try out how well Edge Sense works with your pads.

By the way, regarding this part:
1: Hi-Hat
2: Splash
3: Ride bow/edge
4: Ride bow/bell

you could also try to use for the ride only one input and then use the Bell Sense function.

Maybe this would work:

1: Hi-Hat
2: Splash / China
3: Snare
4: Ride bow/bell/edge

1: 8" Tom / 10” Tom
2: 12” Tom / 14” Tom
3: 16" Tom / Bass
4: 16” crash / 18” crash

Maybe just order one and try it...see how well it works with your pad types. As far as I know you also have some time to try it and get a refund in case you don't like it. Better than waiting for a 8 input device that might never come out.

It would actually be a little crazy if your setup would already work with 2 eDrumin devices ^^.
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Re: Larger units with more inputs?

Post by Mylo »

My impatience will get the better of me and I’ll order one. :D dsteinschneider’s suggestion of creating a hybrid eDRUMin/MegaDrum setup is a good idea. And with the one In the house I can experiment.

I’d still like for Rob to chime in eventually if he will. :)
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Re: Larger units with more inputs?

Post by Mylo »

Ordered. Now the hard part.... the waiting.
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Re: Larger units with more inputs?

Post by Pim »

Mylo wrote:Ordered. Now the hard part.... the waiting.
I know that took around 3 long weeks :-). Just be aware that you might have to pay additional custom fees.

But the wait was definitely worth it. My Hihat control (Roland FD8 with CY5) and the snare (Medeli pad) were the biggest improvements and already worth the investment alone. It took me half a day to dial in everything perfectly (to my taste) but with more practice (or more knowledge ^^) I'm sure it can be done faster. It's pretty close to plug & play, but assume that some tweaking will be necessary.

Let us know how it went. It's always interesting to read how well the eDrumin works with different pad types/brands.
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Re: Larger units with more inputs?

Post by Mylo »

I’ll report as soon as I can. My set is an A2E project using Jobeky AI triggers and I use Jobeky metal cymbals. My China is a Jobeky LV. I’m currently using Drum-tec Real Feel heads on everything.

Thanks for all the suggestions and input.
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