Hey everyone
I ve done my own acoustic to electronic conversion and been playing on this kit for 5 years....I have an Alesis DM10x and an ATV xd3 module that i ve recently started using them as midi devices to trigger VST.Im looking to add the Edrumin4 just so i can have positional sensing in my snare drum.
Question 1: Will adding a 3rd midi device cause an issue with my computer?
Question 2: I want to only run one usb cable on my computer so i thought about using a usb hub.I tried two different ones...One that uses no external power and another that does....Im missing hits with both of them even though the one with the external power does better...What kind of specs should a usb hub have to run midi devices? Does anyone know?Thnx in advance
Questions about Edrumin4
Re: Questions about Edrumin4
I don't think adding an extra USB MIDI device will be an issue. I think I have about 8 USB MIDI devices connected to my machine. As for your second question, I assume the Alesis and ATV modules have their own power supplies, so the total power draw shouldn't be an issue. I think the missing hits is unrelated to the hub. An ED4 draws about 60mA, so adding that is not going to make a significant difference.
Re: Questions about Edrumin4
hi Rob thnx for the reply,
The thing with the hub is that it only misses hits when my modules are plugged in on it...when i plug them straight on my computer they work flawlessly..Also comparing the two hubs that i ve tried ,the one that uses an external power source misses less hits than the other one...So it must be hub that is powerful enough to handle midi devices,but i couldnt find anywhere a reference for specs .How do i find out what power is enough...My kit is very unique so hard to find any info on things that specific.Any way thank you
The thing with the hub is that it only misses hits when my modules are plugged in on it...when i plug them straight on my computer they work flawlessly..Also comparing the two hubs that i ve tried ,the one that uses an external power source misses less hits than the other one...So it must be hub that is powerful enough to handle midi devices,but i couldnt find anywhere a reference for specs .How do i find out what power is enough...My kit is very unique so hard to find any info on things that specific.Any way thank you