Hi Rob, happy new year btw..
just noticed that in build 16 my china (ED4A) doesn't sound when hit at the same time with the crash (ED4B) and kick (ED8).. Any clue how to solve it plz? thanks
Crosstalk Cancellation between multiple eDRUMins
Re: Crosstalk Cancellation between multiple eDRUMins
I've moved this to a separate thread in the ttechnical support forum. The BETA thread is not there for technical support. The idea of creating a new thread is so that if someone else comes along with the same issue, they will be able to search and find the answer. When you bury a question in the middle of the BETA thread, no one searching for the same information will find it, and people who are subscribed to the BETA thread will be reading posts that are unrelated to the BETA.
Now your issue is related to having too much crosstalk cancellation. I assume you still have the ED4s connected to the ED8 host port.
Host Port Crosstalk Cancellation
Now your issue is related to having too much crosstalk cancellation. I assume you still have the ED4s connected to the ED8 host port.
Re: Crosstalk Cancellation between multiple eDRUMins
Ok thanks.. ill try ur suggestion Rob.. sorry for not knowing that its technical
Re: Crosstalk Cancellation between multiple eDRUMins
yes.. u r absolutely right Rob... xtalk on din midi n host port was on 100...as i remembered i never change them.. after double click they back to 15..n everything back normal again, thank u very much Rob
Re: Crosstalk Cancellation between multiple eDRUMins
I'm glad you got it sorted. If they jump back to 100 let me know and I'll investigate.
Re: Crosstalk Cancellation between multiple eDRUMins
Okay.. now im using build 17 n its set on 14,9. will let u know as u requested, thanks in advance.