Is there a double piezo type switch I can use in an input rather than the pedal slot?

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Is there a double piezo type switch I can use in an input rather than the pedal slot?

Post by bigz »

I'm looking for a solution where I can use my edrumin with a for switch to change kits with a midi message with my foot on my appeals strike.

I only have an edrumin 4, and I'm using the pedal for hi hat. I have an open input that is like to connect a foot switch in order to change kits. The 4 only has 1 pedal input, and the 4 inputs don't recognize a foot switch, which means I need to get a foot switch that sends a signal like a drum pad would.

Hopefully this makes sense. Does anybody know of such a product or have any recently easy ideas to Diy a solution?
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Re: Is there a double piezo type switch I can use in an input rather than the pedal slot?

Post by Rob »

No, that's not supported. You might be able to use a dual footswitch (with normally open switches), and set the pad type to Dual Zone Cymbal. One of the switches will act as the 'Choke' control. If you set it up properly, you can have that send a MIDI note, but this is not supported functionality.
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Re: Is there a double piezo type switch I can use in an input rather than the pedal slot?

Post by eDrumDad »

As another workaround option, you could use a trigger input in your eD4 with a traditional piezo/piezo (2-zone) pad, and pic 2 MIDI notes as needed... but then in your DAW you would use a MIDI utility plugin to convert those MIDI note # to Program Change "UP/DOWN" then map the PC to your VST Kit changes...

So something like: head MIDI note # = PC "up ___# value" > change kit in VST... and the same for Rim but "down ___ # value" instead....

In essence you'd be taking MIDI Note Up/Down into PC instead of converting a pedal CC to PC...

I haven't tried this specific approach but I've used this to convert CC > PC in Reaper, and I believe there's an option for MIDI # > PC in the same utility...

Perhaps others can chime in with a better or more tested idea! :)
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