head stoke into rimshot range

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head stoke into rimshot range

Post by Rbrt »

Hi, I am a new edrumin 10 user, I bought this used ( almost new ) so can not send a direct message for any question because I need a transaction ID.
My problem is that only on my 8" tom and sometimes on the 10" tom, the hits on the head will end up in the green rimshot range.
but not always, I head a gig with no problems, 8" tom was setup with only head and rimshot sound, worked perfectly.
The next day my head hits end up in the green rimshot range. And it Looks almost when it's ones in the rimshot range it can't get out anymore.
I used two different ( new) cables but no difference here.

I am using, built in triggers from drumtec ( groovedot ) and mesh heads.
These trigger do a great job and are better than my Roland triggers I used before.

I have an idea that this could be a problem of a smal 8" tom ? because I have no trouble on the 12 en 14.
but before I started using edrumin10 I used a roland td30 to trigger my SD3, and did not have this problem at all.
So I hope this could be a wrong setting, maybe you have some ideas about this or any experience ?

Best Regards Robert
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Re: head stoke into rimshot range

Post by Rob »

Hard to say what the problem is. My best guess is that the trigger is not fastened well and has move. You adjusted the rimshots range control?
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Joined: Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:20 pm

Re: head stoke into rimshot range

Post by Rbrt »

yes I tried to chance the rimshot range, but that's not the solution because the head note
is complete to the right side. I solved it at that point to not use rimshot and filled the place with head range.
so all the notes completely to the right of the box make a head sound.
The trigger is just installed and is absolutely rock solid with two bolts.
thanks for thinking with me.
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