Which headphones/Audio Interface do you use?

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Re: Which headphones/Audio Interface do you use?

Post by dsteinschneider »

I just bought a pair of JadeAudio(FiiO) EA1's for $26. I ran my 10 hour rock playlist through them twice at normal listening volume. I put the New Bee foam tips on. I think I still like the KZ's better for drumming but these are quite close. Very different approach - instead of 5 drivers there is just 1 in these. They're great for music listening

https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08C4 ... UTF8&psc=1
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Re: Which headphones/Audio Interface do you use?

Post by calendarsts »

Over the years of using a computer and loving music, I have tried many different headphones. Among them were invoices, inserts, and full-size; each had its advantages. Now I have 2 types with me almost constantly. Moreover, two weeks ago, I ordered productz.com. By the way, there are many types of headphones on the Internet for every taste and color. However, it would help if you chose a quality manufacturer. Therefore, before buying, be sure to read reviews about this product.
Last edited by calendarsts on Fri Oct 14, 2022 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Which headphones/Audio Interface do you use?

Post by Intini »

I use two headphones: a Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro 250 Ohms and an AKG K271MKII. I prefer the Beyerdynamic for drumming. My main audio interface is a RME Fireface UFX+. This interface has an amazing audio quality, latency, and drivers and the integrated DSP mixer with effects is incredible.
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Re: Which headphones/Audio Interface do you use?

Post by StringsToSticks »

Currently using a Focusrite Clarett 2Pre interface over thunderbolt in conjunction with a set of custom fitted 64 Audio A3 IEMs.

I also have XR18 and X32 rack desks and must get around to trying those to take advantage of the ability to better route individual drum tracks and/or groups to their own desk inputs over USB from Reaper.
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Do I need an Audio Interface?

Post by djbclark »

So I have BeyerDynamic DT 770 pros with a Creek OBH-11 headphone amp with the power supply upgrade. Lots of research at the time, which is like a decade or more now - way before I had an interest in drums, they were purchased for their Classical and Jazz performance.

I also have some IEMs - TRUTHEAR x Crinacle Zero - which I like a whole lot. They really do make it feel almost is a subwoofer in the room, but without being too bass-heavy.

However I just use the audio out of my Mac Mini 2012.

Started a new thread so this one wouldn't get munged: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=1696
Last edited by djbclark on Thu Nov 10, 2022 8:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Which headphones/Audio Interface do you use?

Post by LooseSends »

Just jumping in here from another thread to crow about the Steinberg UR22-C I just picked up.

This thing is a beast and even though I'm jumping from a cheapo Behringer AI (the one with RCA outs that still is decent audio quality) I'm pretty stoked to start using it for recording. I feed the headphone out to a headphone distributer in case I get some jammers over.

Anyway, this unit has 32-bit/194khz and I really can hear the difference although YMMV. But the biggest shocker using this new unit is that it pretty much disappears all the latency when recording! You may have no idea how much more work and takes you have to do with only 10-20ms of latency overhead, but this Steinberg kills almost all of it and is clear as a bell. And this is with live monitoring from the DAW end completely, including a bulky plug-in or two!

You have to use the Steinberg ASIO but whatever magic they are doing in their hardware has really fired up my stoke for recording. I've only tried vocals so far but the difference was stunning. Yeah, you can just monitor locally but it's kinda cool to be able to hear your performance with the plug-ins and no performance killing latency.

Also, the inputs can handle XLR, stereo line, and Hi-Z. Just an overall nice bit of kit for around $225.
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Re: Which headphones/Audio Interface do you use?

Post by LooseSends »

Also thought I'd mention this I found, for you guys that also like to have friends, or your band over to jam.

There are a lot of headphone distributors out there but I finally found one that has 2 inputs and 4 outputs which is ideal for my particular scenario, but hard to find. Only $29cdn too.

https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0B7L6 ... UTF8&psc=1

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Re: Which headphones/Audio Interface do you use?

Post by mprinz »

Hi mates,

a few month ago I found the PERFECT in-ears. For me.
I want to share that anyway.
I wasn't satisfied with the Beyerdynamik DT770 Pro 200 Ohms headphones,
and somehow the mentioned KZ-KS10s did the job but I wanted more.

Somehow I saw the Moondrop ARIA In-Ears and I find this review here.
This guy's using just data ... frequency response and compares it to the Harman curve.
"The Harman Curve is the optimal sound signature that most people prefer in their headphones, etc."

And ... let me say. The Harman curve works pretty well for me. Those Toontrack sounds ... awwwwweeesome fat and low... together with a
clear, bright high end, without these too crispy, sizzling hights that are ... nahhh.. quite disturbing on the KZ-KS10s or similar in-ears after a while.
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Re: Which headphones/Audio Interface do you use?

Post by dsteinschneider »

Hi Manuel,

I highly respect your recommendations.

As I've mentioned in some of my posts, I'm pretty happy with the KZ KS-10 Pro's. I'm also open to something better and the Moondrop Aria High Performance LCP Diaphragm Dynamic Driver IEMs look very promising.

I'm looking for a nudge over the finish line on the Arias. So the high end is less brittle than the KS-10 Pro's?



UPDATE - I went ahead and bought them.

UPDATE 2 - That was quick - Amazon delivered them next day. I'm breaking them in with my 10 hour Hammond B3 playlist. At the 5 hour mark I listened to them. Plugged into my LG 10 (ESS Sabre DAC in HiFi mode) they are the best I've listened to. They are detailed with great bass and smooth.
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Re: Which headphones/Audio Interface do you use?

Post by dsteinschneider »

I just got a price alert - Moondrop Aria now 15% off - $67
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