Detection error with iConnectivity PlayAudio12

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Detection error with iConnectivity PlayAudio12

Post by brandon »

I have a bit of a unique issue here, and I'm not quite sure how to navigate it.

I have a USB dock that I plug a few different USB/midi devices into. That dock is plugged into the host port of my iConnectivity PlayAudio12 interface for live playback. I have a lot of midi automation that is programmed with Ableton for live playback, but also with midi performance. The PA12 interface plugs into my computer and all is usually great.

However, when I plug in my eDRUMin to the USB dock and open the eDRUMin software, my computer does not detect that an eDRUMin unit is actually plugged into my computer, so I cant change settings with the software. I have to plug it directly into my computer via USB to make it work with the software to make changes for things like assigning CC notes per pad, etc.

When my eDRUMin is routed like my other midi devices through the dock, Ableton is still somehow detecting the notes that I had assigned to each eDRUMin port with the software, but it essentially acts in factory default mode with all my threshold/pad settings ignored.

I'm using the eDRUMin to trigger electronic drum sounds via Ableton Drum Racks as a supplement to a live drum kit, so managing the threshold is pretty essential when the pads are attached to drum hardware.

Has anyone else had this issue? Am I doing something wrong?
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Re: Detection error with iConnectivity PlayAudio12

Post by Rob »

So to start, the eDRUMin stores all its settings on the device itself, so whatever changes you make with control application are automatically saved (assuming you haven't disabled auto save).

Secondly, the control application doesn't use MIDI to communicate with the eDRUMin. It uses an HID interface which is not exposed by the iConnect, which means that the control application can't see the eDRUMin through the iConnect.

Lastly, any MIDI notes being sent to the eDRUMin will be used to aplly crosstalk cancellation. So if the iConnect is routing other MIDI notes to the eDRUMin, this will affect your ability to trigger properly

Are you on Windows or macOS?
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Re: Detection error with iConnectivity PlayAudio12

Post by brandon »

Rob wrote:
Fri Sep 16, 2022 2:23 am
So to start, the eDRUMin stores all its settings on the device itself, so whatever changes you make with control application are automatically saves (assuming you haven't disabled auto save).

Secondly, the control application doesn't use MIDI to communicate with the eDRUMin. It uses an HID interface which is not exposed by the iConnect.

Lastly, any MIDI notes being sent to the eDRUMin will be used to aplly crosstalk cancellation. So if the iConnect is routing other MIDI notes to the eDRUMin, this will affect your ability to trigger properly

Are you on Windows or macOS?
I'll double-check on the auto save to make sure that's enabled, but I imagine it might be because the right notes are playing that were assigned for each port. I'm also only using it to trigger things live, so I dont think that would be sending anything to the eDRUMin, only the other way around?

I'm on macOS, and everything is on the latest update.
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Re: Detection error with iConnectivity PlayAudio12

Post by Rob »

I havent used the iConnect software in a long time, but I wouldn't be surprised if MIDI input from other sources isn't automatically routed to devices plugged into the iConnect host port.

On a side note, it is possible to control the eDRUMin via sysEx. The iOS version of the control application works this way. I'll see how much effort it would be to implement on macOS, but no promises.
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Re: Detection error with iConnectivity PlayAudio12

Post by brandon »

Rob wrote:
Fri Sep 16, 2022 2:39 am
I havent used the iConnect software in a long time, but I wouldn't be surprised if MIDI input from other sources isn't automatically routed to devices plugged into the iConnect host port.

On a side note, it is possible to control the eDRUMin via sysEx. The iOS version of the control application works this way. I'll see how much effort it would be to implement on macOS, but no promises.
With their software Auracle, you can reserve devices to specific ports because the PA12 can have up to 8 devices via USB hub into their host port. Auracle recognizes the device, but that's the only location that's recognizing it. In Ableton, the midi device is just configured as HST 1 from the PA12.
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Re: Detection error with iConnectivity PlayAudio12

Post by brandon »

I have two devices plugged in right now with Auracle, and you can reserve those ports when they're detected
Screen Shot 2022-09-15 at 10.07.55 PM.png
Screen Shot 2022-09-15 at 10.07.55 PM.png (658.98 KiB) Viewed 1235 times
And here's the eDRUMin software when that happens
Screen Shot 2022-09-15 at 10.08.24 PM.png
Screen Shot 2022-09-15 at 10.08.24 PM.png (637.75 KiB) Viewed 1235 times
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Re: Detection error with iConnectivity PlayAudio12

Post by Rob »

Carefully reread my previous replies and try to understand what I'm saying.
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