Alesis Strike Module questions

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Alesis Strike Module questions

Post by bpjacobsen »

So I'm awaiting availability of the eDrumin 4 so I can use it to trigger a cymbal and a set of rotos. I searched the forums for info on Alesis Strike but not really seeing any definitive info that suggests how it works. I'm fairly new to edrumming and have a large acoustic converted set. So I have spent a good deal of time assigning notes to pads and creating or updating a lot of kits. I already know I"m going to have re-do some of the work I did when I add the edrumin 4. What I need to know is how will this integrate with my existing kits? In other words, if I add a set of rotos for instance, how will this work with my existing kits? will I be able to save those existing kits with the added pads/cymbals without having to start completely over? Like, will the 'external triggers' from the eDrumin allow me to assign the desired midi notes to the added pads and make those a part of existing saved kits on the Alesis? I realize the triggering will all be handled by the eDrumin for any pads connected to it, but as far as the attributes of the actual midi notes, will I still be able to adjust those on the alesis for the pads connected to the eDrumin? I'm just doing some preliminary homework trying to wrap my head fully around how this will work or if. I am hoping I will be able to just add the additional pads and update my existing kits. Is this going to be possible? I know it says you can use this to expand a module so I have to assume that means it should work. Does anyone currently use it this way? how did you add the pads w/ notes to the existing kits if you can do such thing? I will be using two pads per TRS port since I don't care about rim shots on rotos or tom toms since I never do that anyway when I play.
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Re: Alesis Strike Module questions

Post by bpjacobsen »

anyone? anyone? Ferris? Ferris?
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Re: Alesis Strike Module questions

Post by Rob »

I really don't know anything about the capabilities of Alesia modules. I think you are in a better position to answer your questions.

On the eDRUMin side of things, you can specify which notes you want to use, so there will be no issues there.

I think the biggest question you need answered is whether or not the strike can trigger additional sounds beyond the triggers that plugged into it. Yamaha modules can, but most newer Roland modules can't. I would be very interested in knowing the answer to this question, too.

Perhaps you have a way of send MIDI to the strike to see if this is possible?
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Re: Alesis Strike Module questions

Post by bpjacobsen »

Rob wrote:
Tue Jul 26, 2022 12:23 am
I really don't know anything about the capabilities of Alesia modules. I think you are in a better position to answer your questions.

On the eDRUMin side of things, you can specify which notes you want to use, so there will be no issues there.

I think the biggest question you need answered is whether or not the strike can trigger additional sounds beyond the triggers that plugged into it. Yamaha modules can, but most newer Roland modules can't. I would be very interested in knowing the answer to this question, too.

Perhaps you have a way of send MIDI to the strike to see if this is possible?
This question was intended to do preliminary research long before I even have the ability to purchase this item. I don't want to purchase it if it is not going to do what I need it to do which is connect additional pads into it and assign midi notes in the strike module to them under my existing kits. According to the product page, it says you can use it to expand your existing module. I just would love if someone with the strike has tried this to tell me that it works as I describe. Surely someone out there is using it for this purpose?
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Re: Alesis Strike Module questions

Post by Rob »

Unfortunately there aren't many people using Strike modules, and most people only come here if there are having issues. Have you asked Alesis support? Does the Alesis manual give any insight? Have you done any searching on this site or perhaps vDrums forum?
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Re: Alesis Strike Module questions

Post by bpjacobsen »

Rob wrote:
Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:20 am
Unfortunately there aren't many people using Strike modules, and most people only come here if there are having issues. Have you asked Alesis support? Does the Alesis manual give any insight? Have you done any searching on this site or perhaps vDrums forum?
Really? What modules are most people using? Seems like the strike gives you the most bang for the price. Sounds are great in my opinion and it has a lot of features. Just curious what is popular theses days? And what makes it better?
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Re: Alesis Strike Module questions

Post by Rob »

Most of my customers are triggering sounds on their computers, and in that use case an eDRUMin and your Strike would work fine together, assuming you have an audio interface.

Does your module even have MIDI in ports? I think only the Strike Pro does. If your module doesn't have MIDI in ports than an ED4 has no way of sending its MIDI to your module.
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Re: Alesis Strike Module questions

Post by bpjacobsen »

Rob wrote:
Tue Jul 26, 2022 3:24 am
Most of my customers are triggering sounds on their computers, and in that use case an eDRUMin and your Strike would work fine together, assuming you have an audio interface.

Does your module even have MIDI in ports? I think only the Strike Pro does. If your module doesn't have MIDI in ports than an ED4 has no way of sending its MIDI to your module.
Yes it does have midi in and out.
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Re: Alesis Strike Module questions

Post by Rob »

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Re: Alesis Strike Module questions

Post by bigz »

Hi Rob

I have an Alesis Strike and edrumin 4. Unfortunately, I'm not well versed in MIDI. I can get all the zones to trigger fine, but the HH controller isn't doing anything (I get full open every time). I'm using a roland VH11 as edrumin does not seem to like the strike controller at all.

Could you try to help me get this working? I don't know what messages need to be sent to communicate "openness" to the module and I'm I'm properly sending them from the edrumin
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