Cross talk problem Plz help

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Cross talk problem Plz help

Post by ddropski »

Hello eveyone ,

Lately I have developed a problem with my ed10

My Configuration
two pintech concertcast toms plugged into ports 1 and 2
two KDA 22 kick drums (conversions) plugged into ports 9 and 10

The problem:
if I kick drum the kda in port 9 everything is fine and if i kick the kda in port 10 everything is also fine no matter how hard I kick it them (I mean I was really kicking them hard) .. but if I do double bass (in a tempo even at a slower tempo) toms 1 & 2 go nuts and blink yellow but only when the two kicks are used together like as if when there is a lot of kick triggering going on it confused the ed10?

Steps I have tried :
I turned cross talk to full on the Kicks
tried full crosstalk on the toms
I tried adjusting the threshold on toms
swapped out the toms with other toms

I'm convinced it's not a vibration issue the kicks doesn't even touch the rack that the toms are mounted to

I'm kinda at a loss this is not affecting the other toms I have 7 toms on my kit Just port 1&2
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Re: Cross talk problem Plz help

Post by Rob »

First, if the toms are mistriggering, then you need to turn up their xtalk controls.

Second, sound vibrations happily travel through the air and into other triggers. Piezoa are types of microphones afterall.

Third, if you don't have the gain set properly on your kick pads, the xtalk controlson other inputs won't work effectively.

If none of that helps, read up in the manual. There are some good tips about sorting out crosstalk issues.
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Re: Cross talk problem Plz help

Post by ddropski »

ill dig further into it

I did have the tom's retrigger turned up I even tried them all the way up

the kicks were calibrated but the part that is weird is singularly they are ok but when the kicks are used together they crosstalk

what you said about traveling through the air makes sense ... maybe because the kicks are actually large drums they resonate with their drum shells which move the air? and when both drums are moving it's causing a large about of resonance?

how in the heck could I fix that? rubber coat the inside of the drums?

I did check the manual but nothing about only xtalk when 2 drums are active in use
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Re: Cross talk problem Plz help

Post by ddropski »

the problem i think has to do with the software here is everything I just tried

tried new cables = same
tried different usb ports = same
unpluggewd all devices from computer and room .. even lights
removed every output accept the 2 kicks plugged into 9 & 10 = same
swapped the two KDA22s with 2 KD120 kicks = same
Swapped the ed10 for my other ed10 = same
turned cross talk on port 1&2 to max = Same
turned threshold on port 1&2 to max = same

if I put the kicks in anything besides 9 and 10 no cross-talk but that's not a fix,

even if i press the kick the light tough possible barely even touching the kick head with a drum stick and then soon as i tap the second kick it triggers the 1&2 port crostalk

( i have not tried the new fw but has something changed in the last old fw update? i was not having these problems earlier )

can you tell me something else to try?
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Re: Cross talk problem Plz help

Post by Rob »

if you are using old firmware (you see an exclamation in the bottom left hard corner) then you should go ahead an update it. What version are you using right now? Also, can you please post screenshots of your settings for the toms?
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Re: Cross talk problem Plz help

Post by Rob »

I think you might be running into a UI bug that has been fixed in version 2. Even though the UI is showing that the tom is triggering, no tom sound is playing, correct?
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Re: Cross talk problem Plz help

Post by ddropski »

you are a Mad genius, sir .. 2.0 fixed the issue .. it must have been the last update that caused it .. incidentally it was at the same time I replaced my kicks.. thanks ROB as always you are the best :)
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Re: Cross talk problem Plz help

Post by ddropski »

wow, my drums have never played as good Rob.. the only feature I did not see was where you can set the velocity curves independently. I did not get a ton of time to mess with it and look for it but wow what a difference I would assume the feature is still there because it was so useful

I'm in the process of adding sounds right now but ill play with drum maps soon and report back .. KUDOS
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Re: Cross talk problem Plz help

Post by Rob »

Independent curves are still there.

eDRUMin 2.0.pdf - Advanced Mode
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Re: Cross talk problem Plz help

Post by monospace »

I'm on Build, in Advanced Mode, but no independent curves.

EDIT: So I can edit Independent Curves just fine, it's just that the button is no longer visible. So I have no way of turning the feature off for individual triggers.

Screen Shot 2022-05-26 at 7.01.49 PM.png
Screen Shot 2022-05-26 at 7.01.49 PM.png (828.7 KiB) Viewed 1856 times
Miscellaneous Roland triggers. ED-10 + ED-4. MacBook Pro (2015), 16G RAM, Big Sur. Superior Drummer 3. Logic Pro.
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