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Mistriggering caused by defect in mesh-heads?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2024 11:09 pm
by monospace
So I got some new Drum-Tec heads to trick out my kit, and I'm running into a situation where one head, a 10-inch "Design", or two-ply head, mounted on a PDX-100 is triggering erratically: I'm getting rim-clicks no matter where I hit it. I've tried every setting I could think of (including starting from scratch), tweaking the rimshot sensitivity, etc, to no avail. I happen to own 3 PDX-100 pads, they all exhibit this mistriggering with this particular head. By contrast, they all work perfectly with the stock Roland heads, as well as a cheap Chinese made head I got off Amazon.

The one thing I'm zeroing in on is that this one particular head is shallower than the stock Roland heads, and shallower than another Drum-Tec 10" head in this batch, meaning it sits quite a bit (3mm or so) higher on the drum, and the rim doesn't go as far down as on my other drums.

Does this make sense given how drum triggers and piezos work? Is there anything else I could do within the eDrumIn control app to alleviate this?
I contacted Drum-Tec about this but haven't heard back from them.


Re: Mistriggering caused by defect in mesh-heads?

Posted: Fri May 17, 2024 8:19 pm
by monospace
Follow-up. I contacted Drum-Tec and explained the issue (with photographs.) They acknowledged that they have a batch of black 10" heads that are flatter than they should be, and offered me a refund.

So while this is probably a rare occurrence, just keep in mind next time when you're having issues dialing in your drum trigger, and you've checked cables, cones, and what not: it can also be a problem with the mesh head. It happens.