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Pearl THRU TRACK drum heads compatibility

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2020 9:25 am
by Tianzhu

I'm very interested to try edrumin 10. But I have some qestions.
I'm using Pearl e-pro LIVE kit with THRU TRACK drum heads (piezo-switch) with Tru-Trac Metal Cymbals.
I have mount optical hihat controller from Drone trigger. ... 4416045169

Will edrumin work with THRU TRACK drum heads (piezo-switch) and optical hi-hat controller?

My last question. When I buy edrumin 10, do I have to buy DSP TRIGGER software separately?

Thanks for your help
Kind Regards

Re: Pearl THRU TRACK drum heads compatibility

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2020 10:15 am
by Rob
I don't have any experience with those pads or that hihat controller so I can't comment on how well they will perform. Generally speaking, if the gear is Roland or Yamaha compatible, then it's also compatible with eDRUMin.

DSP TRIGGER is not a part of eDRUMin. All the processing for eDRUMin on done on the hardware. There is a free control application for adjusting settings on the device, however and is available from the downloads section.

Re: Pearl THRU TRACK drum heads compatibility

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 7:52 am
by Tianzhu
Thanks for the answer Rob,

I have read the manual concerning eDRUMin Control software. I found info, that rubber pads are suported. It will help with triggering THRU TRACK drum heads

My optical hihat works with an old redbox pearl module. I'm pretty sure that should work with edrumin.

I see that I'm only one person using THRU TRACK drum heads and optical hihat at this forum :). :D :D

Many thanks for your help. I will consider to buy edrumin 10.

Re: Pearl THRU TRACK drum heads compatibility

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 8:22 am
by Tianzhu
I'm second person who using opticaI seonsor from drone trigger :).
I found on this forum person that already use my optical senser.
Great news for me. :D :D :D :D