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edrumin sends No Midi to Win11-PC

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2024 9:19 pm
by Jennes78
i want to start my new Edrumin8 with SD3.
My Problem is, that no Midi-Notes seem to come out of edrumin.
USB is normal connected --> Software recognizes it and function just fine.
But SD3 gets no Midi-Input.
For testing i triggered it with my masterkeyboard, and that functions fine.
I also installed a 3rd party midi-monitor. This one recognize my masterkeyboard but nothing from edrumin. But it founds edrumin aktiv, just get no notes from it.
I want to convert a akkustik, so for testing i just connected a Roland KT-10 (kicktrigger), a R FD-9 (hihat-controller) and a yamaha pcy135 (as floating hihat). Again edrumin-software recognizes all hits, but seems to gives no midi-signal out to the computer.
Has anyone an idea, what this could be?

much appreciate, Jens

Re: edrumin sends No Midi to Win11-PC

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2024 11:23 pm
by Rob
I think it's sending MIDI just fine. if I was to wager a bet, I would guess you have SD3 setup to respond to MIDI channel 1, however eDRUMin defaults to sending on channel 10 which is the norm for electric drums.

For your MIDI monitor, you installed MIDI-OX and checked the eDRUMin after you had already closed SD3?

Re: edrumin sends No Midi to Win11-PC update

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 7:40 am
by Jennes78
Hy, first thank you very much for helping.
Unfortunately it still dont works. here the situation-update
-SD3 listen to all ports, but i also tried espacially on 10 , and later set edrumin to 1 etc. --> nothing
-as second test i set the input of pianoteq on edrumin (also with all/1/10/etc.) --> but nothing, no applikation can read the midi, but edrumin-sw says it sends those.
-i don't have to "activate" the device or the sending-process, right?
- another guess: i found that the midiview (i use this as monitor) don't read my piano either, when its already connected/active in the Pianoteq-software. i would have thought, that multiple apps can read the same midi source at a time, but anyway. Maybe windows or some apps catchs the midi stream and prevent it from going through to SD3 or midiview or pianoteq, but there is nothing else open.
-i have firmware --> is a downgrade worse a try?
-i try later on a laptop and present the results. I still think that something with my setup is wrong.
some good news. my laptop reads the midi-notes in midi-ox /view etc. i now have to check which win-part or app holds back the midi-signal on my audio-pc :/
till than, greetz Jens

Re: edrumin sends No Midi to Win11-PC

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 8:45 am
by Rob
1. No, you do not need to activate the eDRUMin for it to work.
2. In Windows, multiple applications cannot share MIDI ports. So if one application is already using the eDRUMin MIDI port, another application cannot. If these application all coded well, they should inform you that the MIDI port is already in use, however many application don't appear to be well coded. The eDRUMin control application does not use MIDI to communicate with the device, so it can always communicate with the eDRUMin, event when another application is using its MIDI port.
3. Downgrading the firmware will not help you.

Re: edrumin sends No Midi to Win11-PC

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 10:59 am
by Jennes78
Finaly it worked :)
its still dubious. For others with a similar problem:
1) the later upgarded USB-3-Adapter on my PC don't route the midi, just the build in usb2. could'nt be right of course, so i have to check this one later.
2) SD3 don't apply things, when you "apply". e.g. when i disabled my keyboard, it worked still. Just a restart of SD3 get it. So also the changes to edrumin don't reactes to "apply" in the settings, just to a restart.

This 2 things together needed a while to solve. :/

But now i am happy to rock :lol:
thx again and till maybe later in the forum (still have much on my curious-list) ;)