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You probably get this all the time but I still need to know…

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2024 11:30 am
by Rabidreject
I have a drum 4 as well as an edrumin 10. I’m about to start getting back on trigger building and I’m wondering if it will support the pads that utilise 3 (or more) piezo’s all round the edge of the drum….
Does positional sensing work with those style triggers or shall I just go with the normal dual zone….

Re: You probably get this all the time but I still need to know…

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2024 11:59 am
by Rob
There is support for pads that use 3 side mounted sensors, however it's a bit experimental, more complex to dial in, and isn't as granular (you will likely only be able to reliably get center and off-center zones).