I am using a Yamaha DTX M12 as base for a small drumset. I am using a BD tower, a PCY-135 3 zone cymbal and a RHH135 hihat.
The DTX M12 has only 1 input for a multi-zone pad, so I connect the cymbal to this input, which leaves the hihat only as 1-zone pad.
I am wondering whether I could use the 4-input controller to connect the hihat to it and the MIDI output of the eDrumin 4 to the DTX M12, thus getting a 2-zone hihat.
Is this a possible solution for my problem?
Yamaha RHH135 2-zone support
Re: Yamaha RHH135 2-zone support
Yes. That should work well.
Re: Yamaha RHH135 2-zone support
Sounds good — it just seems that I cannot order it from Germany 

Re: Yamaha RHH135 2-zone support
German customs have been giving me grief so I have suspended sales to Germany until I figure out what the issue is.
Re: Yamaha RHH135 2-zone support
Thanks for delivering to Germany 
Now I just have to figure out how to setup the RHH135 to work with Addictive Drums 2…
Now I just have to figure out how to setup the RHH135 to work with Addictive Drums 2…