Will pads or edrumin be harmed by using the wrong settings for pad?
Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 5:48 pm
hello Rob, I am wondering if pads, cymbals, or edrumin can be harmed by using the wrong settings for input? For example I have a single zone alesis rubber pad and I want to experiment with setting it up as a center mesh pad or cymbal in edrumin will this cause any problems with hardware (edrumin or pads)?? The reason I might do this is, for instance, some of my homemade pads are quite hot so maybe the hotspot function of the center mounted mesh pad may help with this. Or maybe somehow I could miraculously get more zones out of an input device? I just like to experiment to see all the possibilities but I don't want to kill anything in the process so I am asking first. Thanks for any help, Mbira