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Hi hat question

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2021 6:29 am
by ddropski
hi everyone,

i want to create my own midi assignments for superior drummer that way I can have the note list follow my drum set as they are physically on my set

so my question is when it comes to the hihat what notes do I need to have?

so far I understand the following:
for the hh cymbal, I need to have assigned the edge/bow/bell
for pedal I need to have pedal/splash. needs to be cc4

but I see by default there are all these other sounds on the super midi tab such as closed,half-closed, closed tip, closed,1/4 shank, etc (names based on my memory but you get the idea) ... are those needed as well? as the pedal moves down does it activate these sounds? or is it based on the pedal or does the pedal just change between just the open and close sound ?

so I guess to simplify my question what sounds are required for the pedal to work?

Re: Hi hat question

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2021 12:46 pm
by Dadwrshpdrum
The closed, half closed, tight, open, half open, etc… are the articulations that the sound library has for that cymbal. CC4 is a way for the sound engine to select the correct articulation (degree of openness/closeness) to play. You could set a tight tip HH MIDI note to a crash cymbal, and you would get that articulation from the crash irrespective of CC4. Check out eDRUMin’s levels HH mode to see what that looks like for HH when CC4 is not used.

The 1/4 shank, tip, edge, bell etc… are more examples of articulations, but this is how the drummer that recorded the sample hit the cymbal. So a tip articulation is the recording drummer hitting the HH bow with the tip of drumstick at whatever degrees of openness/closeness for that articulation. I don’t have SD3 so I can’t confirm, but I suspect the “shank” articulation is a specific way the drummer recorded a hit. On the VST I use only the ride has a shank bow articulation, so that is just the recorded drummer striking the bow with shank of stick vs the norm, which is the tip.

Usually for normal playing use the MIDI note that corresponds to the standard articulation, such as tip/bow/edge. The shank articulation or any other would be something to use only when needed. So by that I mean eDRUMin has no idea how your stick is actually hitting the cymbal. Whether you use the shank or the tip the eDRUMin does not know. So using note banks and a footswitch you could switch the normal tip/edge articulation MIDI note to the shank MIDI whenever you desire.

Lastly, going backwards a bit. I know on EZD2 and SSD5.5 there are specific HH MIDI notes that are variable/trigger samples based on CC4. So a single MIDI note for the bow/tip that varies the openness/closeness articulation based on the CC4 value. If you want to use CC4 be sure to use that, because if you use, for example, the fully open tip/bow articulation MIDI note then no matter what CC4 value is sent to the sound engine the engine will just play the fully open articulation.

Re: Hi hat question

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2021 5:16 pm
by ddropski
Thank you for the detailed reply I do appreciate it. that explains a lot .!! :D

Re: Hi hat question

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 4:43 pm
by DanielSamson
Does anyone know, if the HH65 only sends 4 levels of "openness" like the RHH135, or is it continuous like the roland Hi Hat controllers?

Thank you!

Re: Hi hat question

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 7:57 pm
by hang12
ddropski wrote:
Tue Oct 05, 2021 6:29 am
so far I understand the following:
for the hh cymbal, I need to have assigned the edge/bow/bell
for pedal I need to have pedal/splash. needs to be cc4
so I guess to simplify my question what sounds are required for the pedal to work?
in SD3 I generally sort of use a Roland map, and I use a VH-12 hardware trigger. The eDRUMin Bell setting works well with this fortunately.
I use the SD3's mapped edge, tip and bell triggers - which are assigned to notes 26, 46, and 120 - with CC4 (which the 'trigger' will send different notes out according to pedal position, for the various articulations).
I enable all of the HH articulations (5 each of the edge, tip and bell in the stock library for the 'Yamaha' kit).
In the eDRUMin app settings for the HH pedal trigger, I use Impact mode, set the closed pedal to 44, and set the splash to 46 (it could also be 26), which is the same as the tip trigger (or 26 as edge trigger). Make sure the pedal calibration is set properly (linear with no dead spots), but you might also change the pedal curve (in the left box) for where it opens, which I find a non-linear setting best (which might only apply for my VH-12 and its own unique qualities).
YMMV for all of any of these settings and you probably will have to learn and diddle with the SD3 MIDI map page.
I'm not sure how to set up anything for the 'shaft trigger' - maybe someone can elaborate on that facet.
But I'm quite happy with the HH playability now - it took a while to dial in and somehow I missed using the 'Impact' mode setting for awhile, as an oversight unfortunately, which I'm sure slowed my progress.