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High Pass Filtering

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 2:10 pm
by Mat1515

Might be secret sauce that is not sharable but, I'm curious if when cymbals are selected is the internal circuit of ED10 performing some high pass filtering to filter our low HZ flutter from piezos?

Curious if I should invest time into creating some pre input filters or is the Edrum min already filtering.

Also how much current can be drawn from the pedal output? < 300ma # 3.3volt?



Re: High Pass Filtering

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2021 2:35 pm
by Rob
There is very minimal high pass and low pass filtering--I say experiment and see if you get better performance. Careful with cutting back too much high frequencies as things like hotspot suppression and bell sense might be effected.

The 3.3V has a series 75 ohm resistor, so about 40mA.