TRS cable

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TRS cable

Post by LogeshDrumin »

Is there any specific config required for the TRS cable? Or, it's just point to point connection?

Will a TRS instrument cable work fine?

I'm torn between buying ready made cables or to build my own. If I were to build my own, should I be looking for a 2 core cable with insulation. Where the insulation is the ground. Or can I make do with a 3 core cable... The ones with red, blue and green cores.

What's the pro of having TRS connection for toms?
Or it's better to split the connection for toms and kick to a mono.

Is a split cable configured as TRS to 2 TS?

Sorry for lots of newb questions.
Any help is appreciated.
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Re: TRS cable

Post by Rob »

The nice thing about making your own cables is that you can build them to length which makes everything look a lot better.

TRS cables typically use two insulated cores wrapped in a braided ground shield. To build all my cables I just bought connectors and recycled some old XLR microphone cables that I didn't have a use for.

For toms and kick, I would use use a splitter cable unless you have extra inputs, in which case I wouldn't bother. A splitter cable use simply a TRS -> dual TS. You can build your own or buy a "insert cable".
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Re: TRS cable

Post by LogeshDrumin »

Thanks Rob.

Getting things ready, while waiting for the edrumin 10 to arrive.

Any specific awg for the cables or it doesn't matter?
Don't want to end up buying too big of a gauge or too small of a gauge and having trouble with signals.
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Re: TRS cable

Post by Rob »

I don't think the gauge is terribly important. Signals from piezo's are low current and all the inputs on eDRUMin devices are opamp buffered, so you're really not going to notice any difference. Go for a nice soft flexible cable that's not going to get kinks.
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Re: TRS cable

Post by LogeshDrumin »

Noted and thanks again Rob.
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