I have been thinking ... hmmm ... that damn red indicator jumps - somewhere, but why the hell it's not sitting in the center when I hit the center and why it's going to the edge when I hit the edge ... And why I get the "wrong" CC16, or sound or what ever.Rob wrote:The semi-circle represents the CC message that eDRUMin sends. The red indicator represents the value of some measurements the eDRUMin makes. There are other variables the device measures too that can influence the CC value that is output and that's why the two indicators don't always correlate.

Simple as that: That red indicator does NOT indicate the position on the head!!!
I watched that video again and again and again, thinking - damn, what did I miss!
(BTW Rob says both times "to right side" but the second time he says that he is adjusting the indicator at the left side.)
Positional Sensing Video
Seeing this again I have to notice, that Rob is saying "The eDRUMin calculates the postion of your hit and overlays that as the red indicator in that control" - Maybe that is a bit misleading.
AND: That thing with the hot head piezo signal leading to CC values corresponding to the edge articulation even if you're hitting the center.
But I found that thread searching for the reason, why Rob quit the separated head/rim gain setting?
Due to their heavy contructions those drum-tec like DIY snare drums have a weaker rim piezo signal than the Roland pads, so
I would like to bump up the rim gain.
Rob, did you bundle that into the X-stick scaler?
I am still trying to get rid of those x-stick trigger when lightly hitting the edge.
I guess, if I set a higher gain for the rim this effect will be even stronger.
Lower the X-stick scaler is not an option because then I can't trigger x-sticks anymore.
Lifting the head piezo signal leads to less dynamics at the top end...
So, reducing the DEcoupling?