Jobeky 20" three zone ride -- reverse inputs and edge sensing

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Re: Jobeky 20" three zone ride -- reverse inputs and edge sensing

Post by Rob »

Metal cymbals for electric drums are a hack. I suspect Jobeky engineers design all their pads and cymbals with Roland modules without using oscilloscopes to see what it happening with their signals. And if it works on the Roland module, they give it their stamp of approval.

Deciding weather a switch is electronically active on not is bit subjective. You need to have a set of criteria so you can effectively prevent mistriggers. Roland has their set of criteria, and eDRUMin has its own. If someone designs a cymbal to specifically work with one manufacturer, the cymbal is going to have issue on other gear. I don't know that this is happening, but it seems like a likely explanation. Is this an issue with my gear? Should I downgrade my switch sensitivity to match Roland's? I'm don't think the answer is yes. I have your data, as well as data from many more cymbals and I'll see if something can be done to improve the situation. but I make no promises.
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Re: Jobeky 20" three zone ride -- reverse inputs and edge sensing

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Totally understand. Thanks, Rob.
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Re: Jobeky 20" three zone ride -- reverse inputs and edge sensing

Post by Rob »

Why don't you get me some more data to work with. You already know how to capture it. Capture about 50 hits on bow in different locations, and then rename that ED_DATA.hex to BOW.hex. And then capture another 50 hits in the edge in different locations and name that one EDGE.hex and then email the files to me.
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Re: Jobeky 20" three zone ride -- reverse inputs and edge sensing

Post by Rob »

I'm still interested in getting more data from you. In version 2.9.2 I'm going to allow the 3-Zone metal cymbal pad type to work as Piezo / Switch / Piezo or Piezo / Switch / Switch. This will allow it to properly support your cymbal and give you access to switch sensitivity controls. If you give me more data, I can ensure that it's going to work properly with your cymbal.
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Re: Jobeky 20" three zone ride -- reverse inputs and edge sensing

Post by Rob »

In version 2.1.1, I've added an option for the 3-Zone Metal input to set the bell input as a switch. That should now properly support your cymbal and give you a 'thresh' control to prevent the false triggering. You can test it out here.

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Re: Jobeky 20" three zone ride -- reverse inputs and edge sensing

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Rob --

I owe you an apology.

Two years ago, I never thought you would create another setting for 3 zone metal cymbals, and I gave up because I was gigging and needed a solid solution. So I sold my three eDrumin 4 modules and bought a TD-30 at no small expense. I also was nervous about my laptop going down, and I figured that the TD-30 would give me a backup, even though the sounds are far inferior to SD3.

Fast forward. My Jobeky ecymbal triggers have been failing, and I've been replacing them one at time with GoEdrum triggers. I've also been playing more gigs with my electronic drums and acoustic cymbals. And my laptop with SD3 has never failed, despite it being a Windows machine.

I'm thinking of buying two eDrumins (10 and 8) and selling the TD-30, then an Apple M1/2 laptop.

Meanwhile, I've continued to promote eDrumin on forums and Reddit. It's a fabulous product and software app.

All that's to say thank you for listening and responding.

I'm sorry that I gave up too soon.
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Re: Jobeky 20" three zone ride -- reverse inputs and edge sensing

Post by Rob »

I do my best to satisfy.
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Re: Jobeky 20" three zone ride -- reverse inputs and edge sensing

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I'm back, having purchased and configured two eDrumin 10s. Wonderful improvements over the last two years, Rob.

I'm loving the hi hat articulations, especially partial openings, that I couldn't get with the Roland TD-30. It took a little, but I figured out the three zone Lemon ride, too, having given up on Jobeky and their terrible support and engineering. (I still use other metal ecymbals, btw.)

The only thing I'm missing, since I'm using SD3 through Ableton to have several presets loaded on different tracks for fast kit switching live ... you guessed it: cymbal choking using aftertouch.

Any plans to add a gate time / midi note length setting to make it long enough for Ableton to recognize the aftertouch?
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Re: Jobeky 20" three zone ride -- reverse inputs and edge sensing

Post by Rob »

I sure did guess the second you said 'Ableton'. I do understand your situations, and I also think having different note lengths might be useful during editing to help differentiate instruments by just looking at the MIDI. That said, I don't want to add a setting for note length for each input. What if instead, I set some note length that are depended on the kit piece setting / hit velocity?

My only worry is that it could also make editing more difficult in the case of many repeated cymbal hits. You could end up with a bunch of events with only 2 ms gaps between them. After my knee has completely healed and I can play again, I'll do a test to see what the editing experience is like.
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Re: Jobeky 20" three zone ride -- reverse inputs and edge sensing

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Thanks for the reply, Rob, and I hope you heal quickly and well.

Gate time is a standard setting on many Roland modules, and I've never had it interfere with playing, probably because the sample doesn't repeat, it just doesn't send the off event immediately. I assumed that if there was another event on that instrument, the new event would supercede, not double.

It's funny that the sample keeps playing (cymbal ring for several seconds) even through the event is off, unlike a keyboard.

Maybe an advanced menu config for gate time for a cymbal instrument from .1 ms to 8 secs?
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