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Joined: Fri Jan 14, 2022 7:25 pm


Post by DC1970 »

Hi everyone- new forumite here and new to the world of electronic drums : )
After playing drums for 40 years with varying degrees of success I thought it about time to dip my toe into the world of edrums.
Recently purchased an ATV-EXS5 with aD3 module. I love how this kit plays but the on board sounds are slightly uninspiring so I'm thinking of doing away with the module and going the eDrumin 10 route. How does the EXS-5 fare with the eDrumin? I thought I'd be able to plug my module into my laptop, map Addictive Drums or SSD5 and off I go. However, it appears that none of these programs can read the aftertouch (no matter how hard I try to map it) from this module so you get no cymbal choke (The chokes do work using the onboard module sounds) Does the eDrumin support these little kind of nuances? I've read that it supports the hi-hats -which is promising, and the pads are, well, just pads.
If I go this route all I'd need is the eDrumin module and 1 X TRS lead per pad? Is this correct? Will I get chokes!?
Thanks guys, and happy new year to you all.
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