new VH-13 set up

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new VH-13 set up

Post by Dadwrshpdrum »

Hi Rob,

I upgraded today from a VH10 to a VH13. I watched your set up video and it worked very well. However, two observations.

1) The VH-13 factory preset on V1.5.0.18 on ED4R2 did not work for the cymbal. First indication was a staggering amount of miss triggers with the cymbal just setting there, because the threshold was too low. When I compared the settings from the preset in your VH-13 set up video to the preset that was loaded...they did not match at all. Therefore, I just manually set the values the best I could based on your VH-13 video.

2) I successfully linked the ED4R2 pedal input to the cymbal (indicated by the cymbal icon turning into a HH). However, the XTalk setting on the pedal editor has no effect. I started by setting Xtalk to what was on your VH-13 set up video. But there was still cross talk. So I started to increase the Xtalk to take it out. However, even setting Xtalk to 100 I still have significant Xtalk on the HH cymbal. This is the main thing I need help with. I suspect the link is half working.

The ED4R2 is plugged into a powered USB hub which is plugged into the USB host port of ED10. The VH10 was originally plugged into ED10 pedal input 1 and the cymbal was a stereo input on ED10. When I did my switch over I powered off both units and moved the cables. Then I powered up both units. I reset the ED10 pedal 1 input (nothing is plugged into, just empty), and I now have a drum pad (works fine) in place of the VH10 cymbal.

TD-17KVX, PD-125BK snare, PDX-100 Tom, PDX-12 Toms, PDX-8 Toms, CY-5 splash, CY-15R ride, CY-13R China. eDRUMin 10 with TD-17 slave module. MacBook Pro (16gb RAM and 1TB SSD). SSD5.5 and EZD2. Abelton Live.
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Re: new VH-13 set up

Post by Dadwrshpdrum »

So I walked away from the kit and came back (I may have power cycled the unit, but for sure I disconnected ED10 from computer), and when I came back VH13 was working just fine in impact mode. I did switch it back to pedal and the XTalk was working, but not that great. However, I didn't spend much time tweaking XTalk (it was at 39 on HH pedal editor). I just went back to impact. All is well. I did try the VH13 cymbal factory preset again. No good.
TD-17KVX, PD-125BK snare, PDX-100 Tom, PDX-12 Toms, PDX-8 Toms, CY-5 splash, CY-15R ride, CY-13R China. eDRUMin 10 with TD-17 slave module. MacBook Pro (16gb RAM and 1TB SSD). SSD5.5 and EZD2. Abelton Live.
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Re: new VH-13 set up

Post by Rob »

Thanks, I'll take a look at the preset for the VH-13. If you are using pedal mode, the gain setting affects the XTalk value. If you increase the gain, you will get more XTalk cancellation.
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Re: new VH-13 set up

Post by Rob »

It's a bug. Fixed for the next update.
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