Choke not being sent via MIDI

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Choke not being sent via MIDI

Post by Ddrummer68 »

I have two ED10's, both are on Previously, they were on .35. One of them will not send choke out via MIDI DIN. Whatever note I assign, it doesn't matter. The choke lights up when it should, and is sent over USB. But not sent over 5-pin MIDI jack. I confirmed this by capturing the MIDI from both USB and 5-pin. Capture attached.

On this capture, Quantum 2626 is the 5-pin MIDI in. eDRUMin WHITE is USB. note 22 is the choke. It's recorded from Quantum 2626, but not eDrumin WHITE. I have no idea why this is so. I first noticed it about 2 weeks ago. If I move the cymbals to the other ED10, choke works fine via 5-pin MIDI out. I have reset the device to factory defaults a few times, which was also necessary because my Channel 2 was stuck in Roland 3-Zone Bell mode. The choke issue persists.

Any suggestions on how I can fix it?
Screen Shot 2021-04-18 at 2.17.43 PM.png
Screen Shot 2021-04-18 at 2.17.43 PM.png (36.3 KiB) Viewed 581 times
2 eDRUMin 10s, 1 eDRUMin 4 into Pearl Mimic Pro and VST's on Mac. Pads: Boom Theory Mesh Muffins, ATV, Padtech, UFO, Roland, Dauz. Cymbals: ATV. 2Box Drumit 5 on standby.
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Re: Choke not being sent via MIDI

Post by Rob »

Confirmed and fixed. I also noticed that the MIDI channel wasn't being properly pulled from the Note Banks assignments and that has also been fixed. I'll post an update soon.
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Re: Choke not being sent via MIDI

Post by Ddrummer68 »

Thanks much, Rob.
2 eDRUMin 10s, 1 eDRUMin 4 into Pearl Mimic Pro and VST's on Mac. Pads: Boom Theory Mesh Muffins, ATV, Padtech, UFO, Roland, Dauz. Cymbals: ATV. 2Box Drumit 5 on standby.
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Re: Choke not being sent via MIDI

Post by Rob »

Build 38 is available from the BETA thread with a fix for this issue.
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