Hall Effect Sensor Detection Issue

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Re: Hall Effect Sensor Detection Issue

Post by mprinz »

But what do you mean with "a lot more resolution"?
The V_out range of the DRV5056 is 0.6 to V_supply-0.2, with a sensitivity up to 200 mV/mT - depending on the mT range of the different sensors.
The V_out range of the SS49E is 0.95 to V_supply-0.95 with 17.5 mV/mT.

It really depends on the geometric setup, magnet ...

I have a "strong" magnet using the DRV5056A1 with a 20 mT range (200mV/mT) but the magnet is quite far away,
but I wanted to minimize the strong distance-flux dependence in the near field.

Does the eDrumin deliver 3.3 or 5 V on the pedal input?
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Re: Hall Effect Sensor Detection Issue

Post by flaphead »

mprinz wrote:I got an email from a guy of nothern Germany because ha dont want to wait several weeks for the sensors, so I sent him a few and he provided some links and photos of what he used...

I need to search this email....
Hehe, the 'guy from northern Germany' would be me :)

I pretty much followed exactly the guide from the hall sensor thread here on the forum. I hid all the wiring in a cable wrapped in a shrinking tube. From there I have a 1/4 inch jack that connects to the eDRUMin, and a USB cable that goes to a small mobile phone charger which provides 5V power. Works pretty nice.

Here's the pictures I took:
IMG_20210207_134125.jpg (84.87 KiB) Viewed 628 times
IMG_20210207_134108.jpg (117.57 KiB) Viewed 628 times
Last edited by flaphead on Wed Mar 24, 2021 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hall Effect Sensor Detection Issue

Post by mprinz »


Since Rob mentioned that the SS49E would be the better choice I didn't know wheather I still have to comment... :cry:

But, yes, that's the way like we Germans use the DRV5056A1 with the eDrumIn. :D
I think you choose the A1 as-well, didn't you?

The bread board is just powering the sensor with an USB/9V battery to 3.3V/5V converter I took from an Arduino.
I will also switch to those DC-DC down step converter
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