Send PS as note
Send PS as note
When I set the edrumin 4 to send a note instead of CC for positional sensing, it sends also the same note for the snare but only the CC value changes to the note, is that how is supposed to work? I thought setting the PS to note would send NoteOn for the value set to it.
Re: Send PS as note
I'm not sure what the problem you are describing is and I'm away for another week and won't be able to test until I'm back.
Re: Send PS as note
I meant sending the ps as note is always tied to the snare note, is not separated, so it sends the note you set as PS but it also sends the note for the snare as well. I think that’s how midi works.
Re: Send PS as note
To be clearer, the edrumin sends CC16 values for snare positional sensing along with whatever the snare note zone you have it set on, if you change this to send a note instead of the CC16 values, it will send this note but it also sends the snare note along, that blocks the positional sensing note to be used independently from the snare note
Re: Send PS as note
Understood. I'll l check it out when I'm back.
Re: Send PS as note
Just tested here with the latest version. I don't see any issues: