Drums Fine... Metal Cymbals all kinds of problems

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Drums Fine... Metal Cymbals all kinds of problems

Post by Projekt_mkultra »

Hey everyone... So I'm a little new to eDrumming. I turned an acoustic kit into a hybrid kit. All the triggers in the drums themselves are great absolutely no issues. Downloaded 2.0 software cause the metal cymbals weren't registering (I used practice cymbals with goedrum triggers and membranes with the rubber around the edge). The hi hat works OK... it plays, I can splash, foot pedal works fine, but it still seems not quite the right sensitivity cause I'm not getting that full dynamic playability. Both crashes no matter how hard I hit them I only get a light strike. Cant get a full crash. Haven't even tried to dive into the choke yet. Last is the ride which just won't work at all. Getting no signal as a metal cymbal. Ive switched the inputs. Im using consecutive inputs cause its 3zone with the bell. NADA. I only have gotten sound if I set it up as a Roland sound bar. Which is exactly how I had to get all the metal cymbals to work previously before finding a thread that said going from the 1.6 or whatever version software to the 2.0 would resolve a lot of issues.

Someone told me to buy lemon cymbals. That is certainly a great idea for the studio setting but I need this kit to work with metal cymbals and be indistinguishable from the untrained eye that it is a electric kit and not an acoustic drum kit
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Re: Drums Fine... Metal Cymbals all kinds of problems

Post by Rob »

You could be running into issues with the rubber pinching the membrane switches which will definitely cause issues. I recommend you you disable the compatibility check and see if that fixes things.


Also, you don't want to use the Trigger bar pad type because that will only trigger if the switch is activated.
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Re: Drums Fine... Metal Cymbals all kinds of problems

Post by Projekt_mkultra »

So I did that and it didn't do anything still says there is a compatibility issue with the ride cymbal. I switched it to Roland and I get just the tip ride sound now. Is there not a way to specifically adjust the sensitivity of the cymbals? I see threshold. I see gain. But like how do I make the cymbal more or less sensitive to strike? I took the rubber off the cymbals and you were right they were indeed more sensitive. but like the crash still isn't sensitive enough and the ride still doesn't work.
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Re: Drums Fine... Metal Cymbals all kinds of problems

Post by Rob »

This video should help with getting your settings optimal. If you are still unable to get soft hit triggering, I suspect you have mechanical issues. You are doing a DIY conversion. right? Maybe post some pics.

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