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New diy triggers and a question

Posted: Tue Jun 11, 2024 10:10 am
by evh0u812
Just putting the finishing touches to my new triggers and I have to say theyre the best playing triggers Ive ever used.
My 4 trigger snare is more sensitive and responds better than my Roland PD14DS which i didnt think was possible.
My question is what are the hypothetically optimal trigger settings? Imagine the best trigger possible what setting would it have?
Would it just be the lowest possible Threshold, Scan and Hold times? Meaning the lowest latency? I don't use positional sensing so Scan can be low. Maybe thats a question for Rob.

Re: New diy triggers and a question

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2024 12:38 am
by DIgitalMD
No that's not how trigger settings work. You want the dynamic range to match your style. If you are a sledge hammer beater, then the lowest threshold is not for you. Set a reasonable threshold for your ghost notes then set the gain so that the majority of your playing is covered and you aren't slamming only 127 velocity all the time. Ghost notes are where they should be and it takes enough effort to reach the max velocity but not so much you're hurting your wrist or breaking sicks. There's no one "best", it's what's best for YOU. The other settings are pad / trigger specific, they need to match the pad and the function of the pad. Scan time and hold for a kick and most cymbals should be much longer than for a snare to avoid double triggering. Threshold also has to account for crosstalk and noise and every setup is different so it's up to you and it will take some trial and adjustment.