some help needed on first attempt to connect

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some help needed on first attempt to connect

Post by bpjacobsen »

got two ED8 connected in daisy chain and running SD3. I just need some guidance on the best way to start config. Should I first get the mappings working right so at least the snare and tom etc work as intended then start getting the triggers working properly? Right now it seems like I just get like 50/50 missed triggers and all pads seem to register the snare sound which I was not expecting. Just need some help with the best approach to getting this working right. Like, I get how to mess with the trigger settings in the app but I need to first get the correct sounds to register in SD3. So I assume I will need to use the midi mapping one pad at a time and use the learn function etc until they are right. However, how do I ensure each midi note for all pads across two boxes are all unique? I assume the ED8 has the same set of notes in both boxes correct? Do I need to change them on one of the boxes via the ed app? Is it recommended to change them to match what is currently in SD3? any tips/help would be great.

this is driving me nuts and I obviously have no clue what I'm doing. My big issue now is constant false triggering and not sure what pad it's coming from. See the following video:

You will see that the snare keeps triggering with no input. So you can imagine my frustration level if I even try to map anything b/c this just keeps triggering. even if I set the threshold all the way up. Please, someone help me get this working. I was told ED was better than the Alesis strike for triggering but it's unplayable until I figure this all out.
Last edited by bpjacobsen on Wed Sep 13, 2023 11:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: some help needed on first attempt to connect

Post by Rob »

Let's tackle you biggest issue first. The 'thresh' control for you snare is too low. In you video you can see it flashing, but you have a different input selected, so you don't see it in the thresh control. Click on that flashing snare input and raise the thresh control. I'll give you a better response when I'm done making breakfast.
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Re: some help needed on first attempt to connect

Post by bpjacobsen »

OK, so I fixed the thresh issue. didn't realize I had to click the flashing drum. I get that now.

OK, so now I'm needing to figure out why all pads I hit are making only the snare sound. (like I would expect though they are not mapped yet, they would do the random different sd3 sounds. I'm guessing it's b/c they really are not mapped at all? there is no mapping preset for Alesis Strike that I'm seeing. Also, the triggering is very spotty and low volume when it does trigger. lots of missed triggers etc. I would assume before I start hitting pads and hitting the calibrate, I need to get the sounds in SD3 to trigger the correct notes first? I know how to map there but wondering the best approach to this using two ED8s? I love not having to turn on my module anymore. But can't wait to get this working right.

I would assume the best approach might be to jot down all the midi notes from SD3 per pad then manually assign the same notes per pad in ED? Like just manually create my own preset midi map copying from SD3.

Last edited by bpjacobsen on Wed Sep 13, 2023 11:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: some help needed on first attempt to connect

Post by Rob »

I'm going to write a thread about setting up an entire kit from scratch today, but until then, the two links below should help out a bunch.

At very least read the getting started portion of the manual (4 pages).
Getting Started

Next it's a good idea to what this video so you have an idea of how triggering works.
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Re: some help needed on first attempt to connect

Post by bpjacobsen »

Just an FYI, my kit was up until this morning connected to an Alesis Strike Module with an acoustic DIY kit with my own triggers modeled after the strike wiring so same as Roland. I just confirmed that right now, all pads are registering the same note in SD3 so obviously I got me some mapping to do once I read up and figure out how. Thanks. the from scratch how to will be very helpful.
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Re: some help needed on first attempt to connect

Post by bpjacobsen »

OK, so slight progress. At least I got the snare working now and kick, but I"m still struggling with mapping some of the pads. It's like I change for instance a cymbal and it changed the hi hat to that same sound. weird. It's like some of the pads are mapped to the same notes somehow in SD3 midi mapper or something. dn make sense. also discovered that some of my stacked sample velocity gate settings got messed up and over lapped causing much missed triggering since some of the levels were cut out. But my biggest trouble now is this: I have 30 or so projects saved and now it's looking as if I have to re-map all of them one by one. Not sure if this is an SD3 issue or ED but I need to know the best approach to mapping the midi notes such that all my kits will work without having to re-do the mapping for every kit. that will take forever. I think I may have screwed them up by clicking an option in ED that may have copied midi notes to SD3? I need to see if sd3 has a reset to default notes or something. Its like I'm seeing duplicates of snare etc. I think I will hold off until further response and go from there.
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Re: some help needed on first attempt to connect

Post by bpjacobsen »

so as im working through various issues (mostly my ignoramous) with sd3 mapping and presets, I'm thinking what might be the best approach to ensure I never run into mapping issues again is to set my maps in ED8 first then match those up in SD3. This way I never have to worry about the maps being wrong again. But not sure if this is a good approach? Looking forward to further feedback on all this. very confusing but I can already tell that the hi hat will be 100 times better in ED vs the strike. having gotten one of the presets working last night with hi hat, and without any tweaking in ED, it already is way better. can't wait to tweak to perfection (or close) got lots of work ahead though.
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Re: some help needed on first attempt to connect

Post by bpjacobsen »

Hey Rob, got an ETA on further info? Hoping to get this working before Oct 19th as I will be unable to play for probably a month or so due to a shoulder manipulation for frozen shoulder that day. Just hoping to get some solid playing in before that date. thanks
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Re: some help needed on first attempt to connect

Post by bpjacobsen »

Nother update. This is driving me mad. So I selected both of the ED8 in the app and made sure they were set to the sd3 map but this is not working b/c I have a bunch of pads all using the same midi notes for some reason. So do I need to just manually change the notes in ED to coorespond with same notes in SD3? with two ed8 attached, will it end up using the same notes by default so they would be duplicated? Please lord, help me.

Oh, also, my cowbell and one of my toms is not working at all. I think that might be a problem with the jack though b/c if I pull it out a click, the one tom works but not the other (using two toms per TRS jack and splitting them with wire running off the jack connections)
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Re: some help needed on first attempt to connect

Post by bpjacobsen »

Rob? you still out there? I cannot for the life of me figure out how to update the midi note mappings to match what is in SD3. Right now the majority of my pads are sounding the snare. the snare is a kick. pretty boring playing most snare pads. lol any help would be great. thanks

My assumption is this: I assume the best approach is to hit the pad on my kit to light up the pad in the control app so I know which one it corresponds to. Then click the graphic in SD3 corresponding to that pad such as the kick and note what midi note it registers. Then just edit the midi note in the control app to match that. Then it should work? If this is correct, I just need to know how to get to where I can actually edit the note in the control app. Can't seem to figure out how to be able to edit the midi note. If the above is not correct then I need more direction but it seems logical to me.
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