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Position sensing

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 9:55 am
by bbuster90
I want to do my own acoustic to electric drum conversion and would like to know what i need for position sensing?
Will any piezo mounted in the center work?

And what is the benefit (or not) from 3 edge mounts with or without center piezo?

Re: Position sensing

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 10:06 am
by Rob
All the suggestions in the following thread about hotspot suppression apply equally for positional sensing..


Re: Position sensing

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 10:18 am
by bbuster90
Thank you for your quick reply, so if i am correct, all piezo's "could" work (also the amazon's for example) but how good it works depends on the items listed in the topic?

And 3 edge mounted piezo's and 1 center piezo can also work? Does this have benefits or is it not worth the troubles?
I am new to this but don't want to build something that could be simply improved by adding a few more things for example

The ED10 should be in stock in May again, is this still accurate?

Re: Position sensing

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 10:32 am
by Rob
Positional sensing on 3 side trigger pads is experimental at this point. I would stick with a single center mounted sensor.

It's looking like late May to early June.

Re: Position sensing

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2023 10:33 am
by bbuster90
Thank you, going for the single center mount than.

Ah, wished it was available sooner but thank you for the update

Re: Position sensing

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2023 11:01 pm
by bbuster90
Is it just this chip that you need to find for completing the modules (what you said in another post): MK66FX1M0VLQ18

I see here they should have 240 in stock ... scale.html

Here other webshops are listed too ... s-70306457