Volume changes for DIY continuous hihat trigger

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Volume changes for DIY continuous hihat trigger

Post by LooseSends »

I retrofitted a broken Alesis HiHat pedal using a hall sensor and magnets to get continuous CC for level triggering HiHat samples through Addictive Drums 2.

Works really well once you get the mag/sensor positioning down and locked in!

What I noticed though is that you are stuck with one volume for all "levels". I suspect the CC being used to transmit positional data supersedes being able to simultaneously get volume amplitude data, so you have to pick your volume level and stick with it.

So my question is if there's a way to also get volume changes as well? This is one of those things where I suspect I'm just missing something simple so I'm curious if anyone else has run into this or could point me to what I'm missing?

/EDIT: Yes, it's just me. Turns out I didn't maximize my input range properly and couldn't notice the volume changes.
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