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Alesis Strike Compatibility

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2022 7:51 pm
by Drummansam
Hi guys!

After receiving my long awaited eDrumin 10, I'm now happily making use of all of my extra edrum gear that's been lying around!

I have a full Alesis strike kit that I've added extra Roland cymbals and drums to and everything has integrated really well.
I use Superior drummer 3 with a few expansions and am happily making use of articulations such as crash bells and bows.

After playing around with the settings of the eDrumin 10 I've now got rim shots and cross stick working reliably on my Strike 14" snare and my Roland PDX12 side snare. I should mention that to get consistent rim shot accuracy for the strike snare, I've had to turn the physical 'sensitivity' knob fully clockwise. This in effect is making use of only the center piezo area and ignoring the middle ring sensor area.

For the cymbals I'm now making full use of my 2 input Roland cymbals with bell zones which is fantastic. I noticed that for the Alesis strike 14" crash cymbal, if you set it as a 3 zone Yamaha cymbal, you can make use of full edge, bow and bell. The only workaround is that you have to treat the 'edge' within the software as the bell and the 'bell' within the software as the edge. It appears Alesis have the same wiring and piezo setup as Yamaha with the bell and edge swapped.

I hope I've helped shed some light for anyone with a similar setup to me and you can hopefully make full use of what this gear is capable of!


Re: Alesis Strike Compatibility

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 10:02 pm
by tempoleague
Thanks for this! Do you ever go from your eDrumin to your Alesis Strike Module? Or do you always bypass the Strike module, and just go straight from your eDrumin to your computer and use VSTs?

Luke from the eDrum Workshop did a video on the eDrumin and said that you can use it as a stand alone unit and go straight into a module, but wondering if the Alesis Strike Module is compatible. In some circumstances t'd be cool to save all of the settings in the eDrumin (rimshot settings especially) and then use it with the Strike Module with and remove the computer from the equation.


Re: Alesis Strike Compatibility

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 12:23 am
by Drummansam

I forgot to mention the way I have my modules configured. I in fact have my Alesis strike module going into the eDrumin 10 midi in port, making sure to have both matching on midi channel 10. The cool thing I like about this is that the eDrumin has a crosstalk from external midi devices control which can help alleviate miss triggers from happening.
I suppose having it configured in this fashion means if I were to use the strike sounds then half of the drums wouldn't trigger.

I should try and configure it how you've suggested and see how that works out. I'll be sure to report back how it goes!

Re: Alesis Strike Compatibility

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 7:52 pm
by tempoleague
That'd be much appreciated, I'd love to hear how that configuration goes. Thanks!

Re: Alesis Strike Compatibility

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2022 3:35 pm
by tempoleague
Hello! Just wanted to follow up on this, were you able to test this?