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Two eDRUMins - Change Banks of the other unit?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 2:19 pm
by dsteinschneider
I have successfully been cycling through a number or SDX/Kit changes in Superior Drummer using a momentary switch plugged into my second eDRUMin. The footswitch is set to send a program number which my VST host software, Cantabile responds to by loading that preset number which causes a "snapshot" to load in Superior Drummer. The snapshot is all the settings current in Superior Drummer when I save it to a Cantabile Preset slot.

My next project was to try Perceval's suggestion to use Bank Change to cycle through 4 banks - Bank 1 has snare note at 38, Bank to has snare note at 37, Bank 3 snare note at 38 and Bank 4 snare note at 37. This works with a kit that has an additional snare with snares off set to note 37.

I can solve the following issue in Cantabile but wanted to ask here about pure eDRUMin functionality. I guess I have to move my snare to same eDRUMin unit I have the momentary switch attached to. Is there a way to send the bank change to the other eDRUMin? I'm guessing probably not and I'm fine with moving the snare to the other unit but thought I would ask here first.

Re: Two eDRUMins - Change Banks of the other unit?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 1:19 pm
by dsteinschneider
I' moved the snare to the unit with the momentary switch connected and my bank changes are working

Re: Two eDRUMins - Change Banks of the other unit?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 1:44 pm
by perceval
Are the units only connected to the computer's USB, or are they daisy-chained via midi from one to the other?

I doubt it would work if each of them are connected via USB only, but it may if the units are connected via the MIDI connectors.

Re: Two eDRUMins - Change Banks of the other unit?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 1:47 pm
by Rob
Unfortunately one eDRUMin can't directly commicate with another, so there's no way to have bank charges span both units.

Re: Two eDRUMins - Change Banks of the other unit?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 11:05 pm
by dsteinschneider
I didn't think eDRUMin 1 could change the bank on eDRUMin 2 but posted just to make sure there wasn't some way to do it.