Two hi-hats = very happy

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Two hi-hats = very happy

Post by Mylo »

So I finally have something I’ve always wanted... two fully functional hi-hats. Using two eDRUMins, Superior Drummer 3 and after much frustration with Superior Drummer 3, they are working.

Thanks Rob for making the device side of this equation so easy.

Why do I need two hi-hats you may ask? I ask... why not? :D
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Re: Two hi-hats = very happy

Post by Exci »

Do you open two instances of SD3 on your DAW and load different midi config on each instance, or how do you operate the two hats simultaneously?
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Joined: Sat Dec 14, 2019 1:14 pm

Re: Two hi-hats = very happy

Post by Mylo »

Exci wrote:Do you open two instances of SD3 on your DAW and load different midi config on each instance, or how do you operate the two hats simultaneously?
Got it all working with one standalone instance of SD3 running.

First I had a DOH moment. In SD3 if you aren’t using an articulation, say Flam or Ruff on the snare, clear the mapping. Doing this for every instrument in my kit freed up half the MIDI mapping keys. Also to speed up load times make sure you don’t load articulations you know will never be used.

The key for the hi-hat is that the eDRUMin only sends the CC and the note (bow or edge). That’s when it hit me, I only need four notes mapped for my dual zone hi-hat: Closed Pedal (foot chick), Open Pedal (for splash), Edge trigger, and Tip trigger. I also noticed that if you scroll all the way down in the MIDI mapping for the hi-hat the last mapping is for the Pedal CC Control. That last part was the magic I was looking for. The solution, in SD3 I added the second hi-hat. In the MIDI mappings for the hi-hat I set the Pedal CC Control mapping to 8 and took notice of the four notes I needed. I then told my eDRUMin to send CC8 and set the four notes properly for the cymbal and the pedal. Now it all works.

You can also open the MIDI settings in SD3 and tweak the CC for both pedals.

Here are the settings from SD3 for my second hi-hat.
B60CC37F-CB63-4CC9-955C-28394989EDB4.jpeg (634.72 KiB) Viewed 631 times
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