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toggle a note or CC value vs velocity

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2024 2:13 am
by rogerwilco
Hi, I've been using my new eDrumIn in combo with an Ableton Push 3 and it's been nothing short of joyful. However! Ableton Live has a separate start and stop button and I'd love to be able to use one footswitch to trigger each. I used to use an independent app on my laptop to map a footswitch to a key command which would toggle but this Push is standalone so no computer to run an app.

Have I missed a way on the eDrumIn for a footswitch to toggle a MIDI note's or CC's VALUE versus its VELOCITY? Or map it to a key command? I've combed through the manual and I don't think it's possible.

Re: toggle a note or CC value vs velocity

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2024 2:44 am
by Rob
You can definitely use a foot switch to toggle a CC. Just go to the pedal editor, set the pedal type to foot switch and then chose the Control Change mode.

Re: toggle a note or CC value vs velocity

Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2024 3:04 pm
by rogerwilco
Sorry, I knew this but wasn't clear. I meant a different CC for each press of a toggle, or a different MIDI note for each press.

MIDIExpression can send a key command, which would solve my issue nicely, but not eDrumIn.