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Scan time less than 2ms request

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 5:04 am
by falko76
Is there a reason for not allowing scan time less than 2ms? I am fighting for fractions of milliseconds because I play through PA sytem and speakers themselves add some latency so every single ms is golden for me. On my Roland TD-25 scantime settings I am succesfull with some pads setting scantime as low as 0,3 - 0,6 ms. I bought expensive RME card because I chase ms. Total measured latency from hitting pad to output from RME soundcard in Addictive Drums 2 (measured with microphone placed at drumhead and compared to output of soundcard to see difference in time response) with scantime at 0,0 (yes ! very playable although not 100% reliable) on PDX100 pad was..... 2.9ms. But extendig scantime to 0.6 makes it consistent with total laency 3.5ms . But with EDrumin whatever I do - connect through physical MIDI in port in my RME or going throug USB Midi of Edrumin, or even triggering TD25 through MIDI cable from EDRUMIN - any of these and other scenarios I can never go lower that 5ms (I also have 2box and ddrum4, also tried various combos) which makes EDRUMIN useless for me, because PA is adding another 2 ms and fast rolls feel sluggish. Is there any reason for not allowing less than 2ms scantime at the risk of mistriggering? It is probably super-easy feature to implement. Make it screen go red that mistriggering is possible for those less aware people if that's why its not possible less than 2 ms.

Re: Scan time less than 2ms request

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 7:38 am
by Rob
If your fast rolls feel sluggish, then the issue is with your hold / decay settings.

Re: Scan time less than 2ms request

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 12:07 pm
by falko76
Maybe wrong word "sluggish", I meant what I hear is behind what I play, I am talking about latency. Forget about fast rolls, that was just example why I chase lower latency, but I do hear that sound coming later even with single hits. Hits recorded through mic and out of module difference in ms. Internal TD25 PDX100 scantime 0,0 playable ! is around 2.5ms. Single hits. Super sharp tight playability. Then TD25 through USB MIDI through RME interface through Addictive Drums 2 I have 2.98 ms average latency (60 hits average), Sharp and tight still, but Edrumin through USB MIDI through Addictive Drums yields 5ms latency and I really do hear those 2 ms extra.

Re: Scan time less than 2ms request

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 12:25 pm
by Rob
falko76 wrote:
Sun Jun 16, 2024 12:07 pm
Internal TD25 PDX100 scantime 0,0 playable !
Then it's not really 0.0 ms of scan time. Unfortunately it would not be trivial to change the minimum scan time. FYI, a difference in 2ms of latency is equivalent to hearing the sound from an extra 67 cm away. You might consider a good set of headphones if you are truly concerned. But my original reply still stands. Having your decay control dialed in will net you tighter triggering on rolls.

Re: Scan time less than 2ms request

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2024 4:28 pm
by legobeats
As much as I understand your chasing for every single ms (you're not alone...) and your wish for lower scan times: If you play through a PA with a digital mixer you should consider a direct monitor setup for your drums. I'm using a Motu Ultralite mk5 and use a seperate output of the interface exclusively for my monitor signal. Not routing the signal through the mixer saves about 3ms.

Another crucial point is the speed of sound itself. Even a monitor placed directly at your back will result in a delay of about 3-4ms. That's why I'm using headphones in the studio while recording and a wedge feed by a a seperate direct out in a live situation.