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eDRUMin version 2.2 BETA available

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 3:06 am
by Rob
I'm pleased to announce the first BETA version of eDRUMin 2.2. You can downgrade from this version to 2.1 without losing any settings.

New Features
  • Device snapshots get custom load options.
  • ED10 supports USB flash memory for saving device presets.
  • ED10 supports using a pedal to load presets from flash memory.
  • Added Latin Cuban Percussion EZX drum map.
  • Audition sounds via the Drum Map Editor.
  • Drum Map Editor tip will show the name of kit pieces.
  • Recipe manager will remember selected / last loaded presets.
  • Presets can now be sorted by modified date, creating data, or alphabetically.
Bug Fixes since version 2.1
  • Improved reliability of compatibility tests.
  • Fixed an issue adjusting the positional sensing controls.
  • Fixed a display issue when switching between the drum map editor and metadata viewer.
  • Fixed display issue when changing from Control Change -> Bank Select
  • Fixed an issue that might result in drum maps not being properly send to devices connected to USB Host port.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause the UI to forget it's in advance mode.

Device Snapshot Load Options
Device snapshots now include custom load options describing how the snapshot should be loaded. You can select which parts of the snapshot to be loaded and select which trigger / pedal inputs to apply those settings to.

In the image on the right, you can see that loading this preset will only apply changes to the first pedal input. No other changes will be applied.

Loading a device snapshot can now automatically send a MIDI program change or control change. This is useful for keep different hardware / software application is sync with the changes in the device snapshot.
Flash Device Snapshots
By connecting a USB flash memory stick (up to 64GB) to the USB host port of an ED10, you can save device snapshots to it. A USB flash drive icon will appear and by clicking on it, you can save up to 32 snapshots to the flash drive. The flash drive needs to be formatted to fat32. If you connect a flash drive that is not properly formatted, the eDRUMin will ask you if you want to format it.
The flash snapshots are just like device snapshots, except they are saved to the flash memory as an ordered list. You can drag the presets around to reorder them.

The flash snapshots can be recalled using a footswitch, so there is no need for the control application to be open or for the eDRUMin to be connected to a computer. In the picture below, you can see that the first switch will alternate between loading presets 1 and 2, while the second switch will alternate between loading presets 3, 4, and 5.
Being able to customize how individual presets are loaded, combined with the ability to load them using a footswitch, makes this an extremely versatile solution for configuring your eDRUMin on the fly.

Here are a couple of use cases I can think of:
  • Simulate a clutch adjustment.
  • Enable / disable sidestick articulation of snare.
  • Simulate a snare strainer control.
  • Change drum maps.
  • Reassign pad /cymbal to a variety of different kit pieces.
  • Have access to banks upon banks of notes.
Host Port Power Requirements
USB Flash memory needs a significant amount of power. If the eDRUMin is unable to read from the flash drive due to power issues, the flash drive icon will show with a flashing red x. After a few seconds the USB flash icon will disappear.
If you are connecting a USB hub to your eDRUMin 10 host port, with multiple devices connected to the hub, you will likely need to takes steps to ensure your setup has sufficient power in order for it to remain stable. Here are some suggestions:

1. Power the ED10 via an external power adapter.
2. Connect the ED10 to a powered USB hub using a very short USB cable.
3. Connect a powered USB hub to your ED10 host port.

Note: I have seen some power USB hubs that will send power back to the eDRUMin. While this will not damage the eDRUMin, it will prevent the power switch from working and you will need to disconnect the power from the hub in order to power cycle the ED10.

Re: eDRUMin version 2.2 BETA available

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 12:35 pm
by Rob
Changes in build 1 (no firmware changes)
  • Fixed renaming a flash preset resets its load options.
  • Fixed missing Latin Percussion drum map.

Re: eDRUMin version 2.2 BETA available

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 11:57 pm
by Rob
Changes in build 2 (no firmware changes)
  • Updated user manual.

Re: eDRUMin version 2.2 BETA available

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2023 1:24 am
by Rob
Changes in build 3
  • Improved speed of accessing flash drive.
  • Improved visual feedback when accessing flash drive.

Re: eDRUMin version 2.2 BETA available

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2023 7:46 pm
by mrmbira
Hi Rob, I am wondering if there is a way to tell which preset is loaded? Maybe i just haven't come across how to tell. It seems that everyone would want to know this?
If not, could the one loaded be highlighted in the preset page?
Or maybe listed above the main page?
If I am away from the edrumin for a few days or more I forget what preset I was last loaded. I have been just reloading a preset that I want to be sure. But then I am not sure if there were changes that I didn't save and just lost by reloading a preset?
This leads me to one other question: If I have preset loaded and I have worked on it and made changes and saved them, Will those changes be applied to the preset when I save them? Or is the preset not updated unless I overwrite it? thanks for your help, Mbira

Re: eDRUMin version 2.2 BETA available

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2023 10:26 pm
by Rob
What I can do is have the Control Application remember the last loaded preset and last selected preset and when you open the preset manager it can highlight the last selected preset and add an indicator the last loaded preset. However, it would not be easy (at least not efficient) for the Control Application to know if the devices current settings have changes since the last time the preset was loaded. I will give that some more thought.

As for the second part of your questions. If you have unsaved settings (not committed to the devices' EEPROM) and you create a new preset, the new preset will contain those unsaved changes. I'll update the manual to make that more clear.

Re: eDRUMin version 2.2 BETA available

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2023 11:46 pm
by monospace
This borked my ED4. It's no longer visible on the hostport, or via direct USB connection.

(EDIT: I attempted to update the ED4 while it was connected on the host port. The installation froze halfway through, and then the application quit. ED4 no longer showing up or working after restarting the app. I powercycled the devices, but no dice.)

Re: eDRUMin version 2.2 BETA available

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2023 12:08 am
by Rob
Crappy. Do you know the procedure bringing it back to life?

Re: eDRUMin version 2.2 BETA available

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2023 12:17 am
by monospace
Rob wrote:
Wed Feb 15, 2023 12:08 am
Crappy. Do you know the procedure bringing it back to life?
Yes, I just dug up the instructions you sent me a year ago and recovered the device successfully. So I'm back in business for now.

Re: eDRUMin version 2.2 BETA available

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2023 12:25 am
by monospace
Just noticing that the bank buttons are missing.
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