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Optimum settings for superior drummer 3

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 10:24 pm
by hb1980
A couple of questions about hihat settings when using sd3:

- is it generally better to use the 'edrum optimised' setting in sd3 for 'openness transitions' rather than the edrumin fixes? ('fast stepping' fix and (no) 'cc with hit')?

- should I disable the 'hihat cc edit' option in sd3? (if it's enabled in sd3 - which it is by default - the cc transition positions will be 'double' processed by the edrumin settings and then sd3 making it harder to judge what's happening from the edrumin pedal visualiser?)

Re: Optimum settings for superior drummer 3

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2022 11:37 pm
by monospace
I suppose a lot of it will depend on your specific hihat trigger, but for what it's worth, all my SD3 "openness" settings are default. I find that I get much better results tweaking only the controls inside the eDRUMin app. I'm not noticing any overhead when CC mapping is enabled, so, again, I don't mess with that either. In general, I leave my drum software alone when it comes to trigger settings, that's what eDRUMin is for after all.

I'm using a Drone optical hihat sensor, so YMMV. Hope this helps.

Re: Optimum settings for superior drummer 3

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2022 1:27 pm
by MWJT42
Seconding Monospace's approach. My HH, again optical, is fantastic using default SD3 settings.

Re: Optimum settings for superior drummer 3

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2022 11:22 pm
by monospace
Yeah, in general any tweaking I do in SD3 is about shaping the sound, not the triggering.

Re: Optimum settings for superior drummer 3

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2022 9:14 pm
by mprinz
Me too,
using a Hall sensor.... SD3 defaults. And I am fine.