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Two snares with Positional Sensing?

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:04 am
by monospace
Hear me out, I think this is a eDrumIn bug, but if this should be done in Superior Drummer 3 instead, I haven't been able to figure out how.

I currently have two snares in my kit configuration: the main one in the center, and a piccolo on the (left) side. Both are set-up to use Positional Sensing using CC16. So far, so good. Problem arises when I switch playing between them: whatever zone I play on one, is the one that's active on the other, until I start playing a different zone. So for example, if I last played the edge zone on my side snare, then switch to the main snare and hit it in the center, I hear the main snare edge zone, until I play the main snare edge then move to the center — and vice versa. Make sense?

It seems to me that eDrumIn should be able to detect that I'm hitting a different drum and determine the proper/current CC16 value for that drum.

Or is that incorrect and should I select a different CC channel for each drum using Positional Sensing, and somehow interpret that inside of SD3? If that's the case, I would appreciate if someone could give me some pointers on how to get started setting that up. Thanks!

Re: Two snares with Positional Sensing?

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:40 am
by Rob
CC16 is only sent out when the value changes (to save sending more data then it needs to. I think the best solution is to use a different CC for each drum. Alternatively, I could force the eDRUMin to always send the CC before a hit. I'll think about it for version 1.5.1.

Re: Two snares with Positional Sensing?

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 4:11 am
by monospace
As is usual for me after posting a question, I went back and looked at the issue with fresh eyes, and it seems like the answer was always there staring me in the face. I changed the CC for my secondary snare to 15, and in the MIDI-in/Edrum settings of Superior Drummer 3, there's a "Learn" button to assign that new CC for each PS-enabled drum. Then, simply select the articulations in the pull-down menus, and everything works as expected.

Most of us will have plenty of unused CC channels available to do this for each and every drum (SD3 only supports PS on snares though, so maybe something for version 4?) It still seems to me that using CC16 for both drums would make sense, but this is obviously cleaner. I reckon the same procedure should be followed if you want to have more than one hihat (CC4).
CC15.png (482.59 KiB) Viewed 402 times