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Soft rimshots triggering edge articulations

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2021 11:47 pm
by monospace
I've had my eDrumIns for almost a year now and I'm happy with the way the device and the control app have evolved, especially the hi-hat. So maybe it's time to give the snare drum a little extra love and attention too? Don't get me wrong, it's working pretty good for me but there's one thing I feel could still need some improvement, and that's the way that soft rim shots have a tendency to trigger edge articulations. This is of course with Positional Sensing enabled, which, again, also works really well. This is just one particular annoyance I have not been able to fix.
I realize this probably depends on the trigger make and model. I have a Roland PD-125 (the regular white version, though I don't know that it matters) and while the head/rim separation is generally good, the rim piezo is mounted in the center of the drum, not on the shell, so this may just be the way this particular drum works and I'll just have to learn to live with it. But I wonder if there's a way to separate these hits out a little more aggressively. If there's a way to do so in the control app, I haven't been able to figure out how.

Re: Soft rimshots triggering edge articulations

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2021 6:54 am
by Rob
I don't have this issue with my PD-125. I'm taking a bit of a development break but I'll look into it in a couple of weeks.

Re: Soft rimshots triggering edge articulations

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2021 4:21 pm
by lalo
Any update on this front?